Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Well, everything is fine on the dental front, according to my dentist. Another bullet dodged!

We’ve been getting incredible rainstorms lately. It seems like this has been a very rainy summer. When I first moved here from Florida I yearned for those heavy tropical downpours that wash everything clean. Well, lately, I feel like we’ve been having them! I’m not sure the city is noticeably cleaner as a result, but it’s hard to tell.

(Photo: Williamsburg, Brooklyn, July 2008)


  1. The picture is so gorgeous. Love the yellow-ish light of late summer.

    Raindrops wrap themselves around debris in the air, so they do literally wash the air itself. New Yorkers are generally very busy, out and about, getting everything dirty.

    We've missed the latest bout of storms. It's been gorgeous in DC. I do love the rain, though, and will be happy when it returns.

  2. Beautiful shadows. This is the Year of Dental Woes for me, I'm afraid, so good for you!

  3. Summer as it is supposed to be.

  4. There's nothing quite like a Florida rain. I can smell it and feel it as I think about it. What I always loved was the fact that it rained hard and then it was over and the sun was out again. Never this drip-drip-drip we so often get in DC.

  5. God. I've talked about the weather two days in a row. How boring!

  6. I made some short videos of the storms. Very dramatic.

  7. I love weather...although I do try and reign in my weather chatter....

    ched and f and I are meeting outside the whitney at 1 on friday to check out the bucky show....if you're free come on down!!!!! don't have your cell but if you get this email me you number.... I'll have email access in the a.m. - currently in nj......

  8. yeah steve, whats with all the verbosity?

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