Friday, May 8, 2009

Off to L.A.!

This is the handrail on the stairs at the Museum of Natural History. Isn't it amazing? I love the details in old buildings.

I'm off to Los Angeles this morning on an early flight, for a quick visit with my friends Christopher and Jerry. I'll be back in the blogosphere on Tuesday!


  1. We've totally lost the art of decorating things like handrails and incorporating gargoyles in buildings. I wonder if that was done initially with the thought those animals would protect the building?

    Have a great weekend in LA. Hopefully it won't be raining on that side of the country.

    I'll bet LA has some great graffiti!

  2. Gorgeous detailing. Barbara's right, they just don't build them like they used to.

    Enjoy the West Coast, Steve. Bring back pics!

  3. bon voyage! hope the connections all go through!

    great detail!

    expect some great LA street art snaps!

  4. I love the detail and remember it. I used to live around the corner at 79th and Columbus.

  5. Hi, Steve; I think we've crossed paths occasionally over at Barbara's blog. I read your previous incarnation intermittently, and missed you and your wonderful photographic eye during your absence. Barbara tipped me that you're back -- hooray!

    Anyway, I'm a lover of architecture and architectural detail, and have an entire tome of photos and diagrams devoted to the topic, sequenced chronologically and stylistically. I've spent many a pleasant hour curled up with some tea, poring through that book...(and also prowling the streets with my own eye and camera!).

    One of the books in my Current Reading Stack is "The Architecture of Happiness." I wonder if you've read it...

