Sunday, May 17, 2009


I’ve been purging my online life a little bit in past days. I deleted my account on LinkedIn, for example, because now that I have Facebook (which is a lot more fun) I don’t really see the need for it. I hadn’t logged in there in months.

I also deleted my Twitter account. I know, I know -- I just wrote about making an effort to Twitter. But that effort lasted exactly one day. Twittering is just not in my blood, nor is reading other people’s Tweets.

I took down my profile, because now that I’ve met Dave and we’re seeing each other pretty steadily, I don’t want to be bombarded by e-mails about so-and-so wanting to meet me and why haven’t I responded. I’m no playa!

I had a great day yesterday. Gym in the morning, and then a quick trip out to Bushwick, Brooklyn, to do some street art photography. I found lots of new stuff, including the above piece by Bishop203 -- I actually ran into the artist just after he put it up. Pretty funny!

Then I came back into Manhattan and met up with Dave. We spent the evening cooking with Dave’s friend and former student, Stephanie. (More risotto -- chicken this time.) We looked through scrapbooks and photo albums that Stephanie compiled from her high school years. It was actually a lot of fun, even though I don’t know any of the people in the photos -- it gave me a window onto Dave’s career and his interaction with his music students. (Stephanie is the rare example of a student who becomes a friend in adulthood.)


  1. betwee tweets, cellphones, emails, blogs + office computers,phones, meetings etc, when do folks find the time to ... you know, look around and listen?

    Sounds like a nice, relaxing time. Cool graffiti, too.

  2. Simplifying is a good thing. I'm having trouble just trying to find the time to read the Blogs of my small Blog family, let alone deal with those other forms of communication.

    It sounds like you're starting to enjoy cooking as a form of recreation. I've always enjoyed the company of those who wanted to cook with me. One of the things that first attracted me to my husband was his ability to make superb breaded veal cutlets!
