Monday, May 4, 2009


This is what yesterday looked like -- misty and rainy. From the looks of things outside right now, today will be very similar.

It’s actually kind of pleasant. I went to the Zendo yesterday morning, and it was nice sitting inside in a cozy space, listening to the rain and the cars on the wet streets. Then I came home and stayed in all afternoon, catching up on some reading, talking to friends on the phone and watching a movie.

I went to bed at about 10 p.m. and slept eight hours, as I’ve been doing pretty consistently for the last several nights. I got really worn out last week. It feels great to rest up!

(Photo: Rain on the horse chestnut outside my window, yesterday.)


  1. I, too, love letting the weather tell me what my day is going to be like. I had a busy day at work yesterday and will again today. The sound of the rain is the perfect backdrop for massage - giving or receiving.

    It's rainy here, too. Gloom but no doom. We need the rain, so I don't mind.

    Glad you're rested!

  2. It's a beautiful tree to catch rain drops. Is this the tree that may have to be taken down? I hope not.

    There's nothing better than a backdrop of rain when one is practicing mindfulness. I hope yours was a good sit.

  3. We are in our dry time, so a bit of rain would be wonderful. My best!

  4. Barbara: Yes, this is that tree. But I don't think it's happening anytime soon -- just eventually, because it unfortunately grew in a bad place.

  5. Apologies for an off-topic comment, but I put together that Blogger site I was alluding to a few days ago, and was wondering if you'd take a look and give me any comments or criticisms. The scope of the thing should be apparent, but my underlying thought is that if the name can get established a bit locally I might use it for something else later. (And if you like it, of course, feel free to bookmark it, tell all your friends, etc. etc ... though the material won't be too relevant out where you are. :-)
