Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer in the City

My office is pretty dead this week -- people are already off for the holiday weekend. On Wednesday I went to lunch in the cafeteria and it was a ghost town. I said to a coworker, “Today isn’t a holiday, is it?” It didn’t even occur to me that people were already gone for Memorial Day.

For people with beach houses, summer places in the Hamptons or the Catskills, this weekend is a big deal. It’s the start of the “season.”

But for me, it’s pretty much just an extra day off! I love spending Memorial Day, and summer for that matter, in the city because everything empties out. It’s so peaceful to walk the streets without dodging oncoming pedestrians, and to be able to get tables in restaurants and seats at performances. I like getting out of town now and then, but I don’t have the urge to rent a retreat and leave long-term.

(Remember that song from The Lovin’ Spoonful, “Summer in the City”?)

Dave came over last night and I cooked for a change -- I made a stir-fry in my wok, and we watched “Muriel’s Wedding,” one of my favorite movies.

(Photo: Graffiti by Curtis, Bushwick, Brooklyn, May 2009)


  1. The song 'Summer in the city' brings back good memories of the summer of '66 - thank you!

    I don't know this movie, but from the description, I bet I would like it.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Summer of '66 (I think) that was my favorite song. I still know all the words. I especially like "back of my neck gettin' dirty and gritty".

    I'm glad you are pulling your weight in the kitchen. A stir-fry is always a great dinner. It leaves so much room for imagination and use of bits of leftovers!

  3. Have a lovely time with a less full NYC!

  4. Of course I remember the song! It does bring back many memories.

    Memorial Day (and Labor Day) weekends are always very busy work weekends for me. Everyone who doesn't go to the beach really wants a massage. Great for my bank account!

    And at least for me the idea of going to beach with Everyone Else is not so appealing. Enjoy your weekend, Steve!
