Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dinner Party

We had some friends over for dinner last night, and Dave made a lineup of amazing dishes. We began with watercress soup, a sort of vichysoisse with watercress mixed in; moved on to eggs in cocotte, a poached egg atop a bed of mushroom duxelles with cream; scallops atop parsnip puree with orange sauce and both sauteed and baked kale on the side; coq au vin with asparagus risotto; and a poached pear stuffed with blue cheese for dessert. Delicious!

Dave is such a marvel. I'm not sure I could even bake a chicken.

As usual, I was in charge of setting the table and cleanup. It took two loads in the dishwasher, plus a lot of hand-washing, to manage all the dishes. Fortunately I like that kind of thing.

Today I ran five miles at the gym to work off the creamier elements of that meal!

(Photo: Blob of light in a parking lot, Chinatown, last week.)


  1. It sounds absolutely delicious! Did you take pictures of the food? Kudos to Dave. And you, for the dishes lol.

  2. Sounds like a meal well worth the calories. Please bring Dave the next time you come to my house to dinner. Between his cooking and your cleaning up, I won't have to do a thing but eat!

  3. Dave must be a wizard in the kitchen!
