Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I went out to Brooklyn yesterday primarily to see this HUGE piece of street art by the artist Roa, who's been working around town the past few weeks. Isn't this amazing? And it's not a big paste-up, either. It's hand painted.

As it turned out, yesterday was a terrific day for walking. The weather was spectacular, with perfect temperatures and a pristine blue sky. I don't think I even broke a sweat, the temperature was so perfect. I had my iPod with me, and thus was provided with an ideal soundtrack for the day -- I could really identify with this post by my blog pal Reya, who appears to have had a similar experience. I was joyfully moved by the combination of bright sunshine, shifting scenery and music.

I took a bus into the city -- a different bus from the one I normally take, which expresses to the Port Authority. This one ran express to downtown Manhattan -- the financial district. I got aboard just because it came first, and I didn't care where in Manhattan I landed. Anyplace was fine!

So I began walking in the financial district and traipsed up through Chinatown (always fertile photography territory) and the East Village, before boarding the subway and heading out to Bushwick. In between I stopped for coffee at The Bean, a coffee house on First Avenue that I've always liked, and later for a cheap burrito at lunchtime.

Here I am posing with Roa's piece. I'm in awe!


  1. That's amazing! Do you know how long it took Roa to paint it?

  2. That's an awesome piece of art indeed! Where in Brooklyn is it? I'd love to go visit. Sounds like you had an excellent outing yesterday. I particularly like that anywhere you landed in the city was fine. New York can be like that.

  3. You really are a New Yorker at heart! The artwork is amazing. How does an artist like that finance something on such a grand scale? Are there sponsors for street art?!

  4. Lorianne: I've heard he works quickly, but I've never seen him in action!

    Angella: It's in Bushwick, on Grattan near Bogart.

    Barbara: I don't know how the finances work. Traditional graffiti writers often shoplift their paint; more artsy types often put up street art to help publicize a gallery show or event, and maybe the gallery helps with costs?

  5. wow i am in awe too!!!!!

    brooklyn you say! hee hee

    you may feel a desire in this mouse's heart or would it be y eye

  6. In the self portrait you look like you've been eating well...


  7. Nah, I'm still the same size. I think it's just because I have my hands in my pockets!
