Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Alchemilla, and a Photo Book

We have a plant in our garden called alchemilla, or lady's mantle, and its most interesting feature is the way its leaves react with water. It's like they put on jewelry.

Dave planted lots of these and so far they're still tiny, but they're pretty durable and I think they will flourish. In fact I'm pretty sure I've seen them growing wild around here. Maybe they've seeded from gardens or maybe they're native, I don't know.

I'm pretty sure this same plant used to grow wild in the courtyard of my Peace Corps house in Morocco. In this photo, I think it's one of the plants my neighbor was pulling up to feed his animals. I never imagined we'd be buying it someday to plant in our garden!

Yesterday was mostly low-key. I got lots of little, errand-y things done. For example, I went to the post office to mail some gifts for my nieces that I bought in Singapore -- they've been sitting on a shelf in our dining room for the past month.

Also, my new photo book arrived. It looks great! I'm not really planning to market this one publicly, but if you'd like, you can look through it here. (Just click "preview" on the book cover, then the "View Fullscreen" icon in the lower right, and page through like you would a real book.) I'm happy to have most of my favorite travel pictures -- film and digital -- all together in one place!


  1. Oh, Dave! The book is remarkable! I looked through each photo and want to do so again and savor the color and life emanating from each unique shot.

  2. I loved finally seeing a good picture or two of Dave...Wonderful book.

  3. great photos and you have really traveled a lot!

  4. Steve, that book is fantastic. So many great photos and I'm impressed that you have traveled so extensively. I think you've touched every continent. I sat for several minutes staring at the photo of the African American Cleaners. I'm not sure why but that photo grabbed me. I also loved the cow on the steps, the daisy phone boxes and of course the birds in Seychelles. The bird photo is spectacular. Fantastic book.

  5. Steve, your newest book is wonderful! I'm struck by the difference in some of the photos from the ones you share here, perhaps because you're trying to be respectful of people's privacy here on the blog, but I loved the intimacy of some of your people shots as much as the sweep and majesty of your landscapes. Bravo! And that photo of you on the back cover is just perfect.

  6. I'm completely bowled over. Not just by the magnificence of your eye but by all of the journeys you have taken in your life!
    Absolutely gorgeous photos!

  7. Beautiful - I enjoyed browsing through.
