Friday, April 24, 2015

Work Stuff

I've got nothing much for you today. By the time the week winds down and I've been sitting at my desk in the library for four days I'm nearly out of things to talk about, unless you want me to whine about my latest efforts to chase down overdue materials. (And you don't want that.)

I like this job, though. I like the simplicity of it -- chatting with the kids, helping them find the right books. I've found that I don't need to be a disciplinarian nearly as often as I initially feared when I started. I have very little job stress, which is saying a lot.

I just signed my contract for next year, so I'm in it again for 2015-16!

As requested, here is a photo of me in my kurta, sitting at my desk yesterday. The kurta went over well -- I got many compliments! Maybe I should wear it all the time?

(Top photo: West Hampstead, yesterday afternoon.)


  1. Yes! It looks great and oh so comfy, too! Enjoy your weekend. Nice to see you smiling...

  2. I like it...very comfy work attire!
    your desk looks so clean and neat...mine looks like a paper bomb went off...sigh~~

  3. That kurt looks good on you! :)

  4. Huh, I know I typed "kurta" but the spell checker had other plans! Oh well ...

  5. I think I could become a kurta fan. I'd love one myself if it would be as becoming as yours.

  6. Get MANY kurtas! You look fabulous in it! Thanks for the picture of you in your kurta at your workplace. I think of you so often, Steve. You are now a part of my Lloyd.

  7. looks good! I could work in a library if I had to have a regular job. I worked in a bookstore for a year which I liked except for the boss who was a real asshole and he was there every day. it's why I eventually quit.

  8. You look great in a kurta! I agree with Ms. Moon - get many! It looks so comfy to work in.

  9. you look like a very cool human being in that attire. of course you are a very cool human being regardless of attire, but i bet the kids thought you kind of hip in that get up. yes, get many of them. they suit you.

  10. I want one......but i need to lose weight first otherwise id look like Demos Russos

  11. Thanks for the picture of you in your kurta - it DOES suit you!

    Love that top photo - cute kids! Reminds me the the Humans of New York "Today in Microfashion" feature :)
