Thursday, April 2, 2015

Short Takes, With Birds

-- Yes! I finally got a clear shot of one of the eurasian jays that occasionally swoop through our backyard! I have been trying to photograph these birds for ages, with no luck. Until yesterday, when this one landed on our birdbath and posed just so.

-- Also yesterday on the birdbath, a goldfinch! He stayed just long enough for one (slightly blurry) shot.

-- These are our amaryllis at the moment. Two stalks of blooms, two stalks of buds. The blooms have become somewhat intertwined, forming a Giant Eight-Headed Beauty Monster.

-- Did you see the upsetting news about Joni Mitchell? She's had health problems for years, and still smokes like a chimney, but all the same I was shocked when Dave told me yesterday morning that she'd been taken "unresponsive" in an ambulance to a hospital ICU. (Dave saw the story on Facebook, which apparently gave it greater prominence than The New York Times, which is what I was reading.) I know she's 71, but it feels wrong that she should be infirm. New York Magazine recently did a lively interview piece with her, including some terrific photos.

-- Bleeding London is apparently, officially, over. After walking all day Monday and Tuesday and uploading my pictures to the online gallery, I tallied my work over the past seven months and found that I shot 2,454 streets! I'm giving myself a pat on the back. On Tuesday evening, when all was said and done, and a soft rain had begun to fall, I also gave myself another kind of reward:

Yeah, baby!

-- Yesterday I had another neighborhood celebrity sighting: British actress Imelda Staunton. She walked right past me and we made eye contact but I gave no sign of recognizing her. Got to respect the privacy of the neighbors, after all. She's married to Jim Carter of Downton Abbey fame, whom I've already mentioned seeing out and about.

-- Finally, I spent much of yesterday cleaning and purging. I took three bags of clothes and an old mirror to a local charity shop, as well as some knick-knacks like the Cuba car and the poppet. I was sort of sorry to see them go, but I have enough stuff without keeping items I find on the street, don't I?!


  1. Yes, you do have enough stuff without keeping what you find on the street. LOL. I'm the last person to comment on anyone keeping Stuff..

    Congratulations on finally finishing your part in the Bleeding London project. I've enjoyed your photos so much, especially the knack you have for including a person in most photos which adds another dimension to the neighbourhood.

    Enjoy your Easter break.

    Ms Soup

  2. I love these photos...What can I do to take better night shots? It was a beautiful night with moon and stars out and wonderfully cool, which is nice to be out in...However, even adjusting to my camera's night setting, all I got were what resembled blobs...

    I also do not understand why, when I put relatively decent photos on my blog as I have yesterday and now, no-one says anything...I can't wear the stuff dive suits are made from, otherwise I might like scuba diving...Sorry about Joni Mitchell. I wonder what happened?

  3. The news is scarce on why Joni passed out or fainted or whatever and why she's still in the hospital.
    Worried. Of course.
    My heart is breaking a bit that you got rid of the poppet. But. I understand.
    Bleeding London is over? Yeah! You are definitely going to have to find a new thing to do. Which requires walking. That was such a perfect project for you.
    LOVE the bird photos. That jay, that goldfinch. There are eight red winged blackbirds on my feeder right this second with finches and cardinals jockeying for position, waiting in the camellia bush beside it. A very birdie time of year.

  4. three bags of clothes! I don't think I even have three bags of clothes. I guess it depends on how big the bags are. but I know you must be glad that Bleeding London is over. I would be. I saw that about Joni Mitchell but I was never that big a fan. preferred rock and roll to folk music. and that eurasian jay is gorgeous!

  5. All these photos are great but, that first one is stunning. What a beautiful bird.
    Congrats on finishing the Bleeding London project with so many streets. That is a lot of walking.
    I had not heard the news about Joni. I'll have to check that out.
    Just last night I was thinking of a martini and then didn't make one. My loss.

  6. Excellent bird shots!

    I have REALLY got to clean out my closet. Now that the weather is warmer I'm going to get rid of the winter stuff I never wore. Maybe. We'll see :)
