Monday, April 27, 2015

More Heath, More Dog

Can you stand more pictures of Olga?

Apologies in advance for being repetitive, but what can I say -- this is my life on the weekend! And look at how beautiful the West Heath woods are now, with those tiny fresh green leaves on the trees.

We had a good long walk while Dave went to work to supervise a practice exam for his students. We didn't see many squirrels, to Olga's consternation, though she did chase a few critters that I suspect were rats.

We found several patches of bluebells...

...and Olga was outstanding in her field!

Thanks to Sabine for identifying our mystery flower, known as snowflake or candytuft. I am very glad to know what's growing in our back garden!

The news from Katmandu, meanwhile, is so terrible. I suppose there's not much we can do, short of making donations, but still -- the devastation is staggering. I'm thinking about a guy I briefly worked with in India in early 2009, who is Nepalese and whose family still lived there. (He's second from left in that photo.) I hope he and his family are OK.


  1. Pictures of Olga in the heath never grow old. Not to me.

  2. I love pictures of Olga...she brightens my day.
    love the pictures!

  3. I LOVE the photos of Olga. She has to be one of the happiest dogs on earth.

  4. that is one satisfied pooch in the field, Olga of the bluebells.

  5. Most photogenic dog ever (with apologies to Ruby & ...Ernie??)...

    So sad about Nepal...

  6. Great photos, especially the last one. Any suggestions on a new camera for me?

  7. No apologies needed. I'm waiting for a photo book of Olga. She is a worthy subject! But really your photos of her reveal so much personality and your pictures of her in the natural world are fantastic.
