Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Short Entry Featuring Mr. Spock

A short post today -- I've just driven back to Tampa to pick up my mom, and we're about to set out for Longboat Key, off Sarasota, where we'll be spending the next few nights with my brother and his family.

I'm certainly getting some time behind the wheel on this trip! It's a good thing I like driving.

John, Sue and I had a good day in Anna Maria yesterday. Sue and I plundered some yard sales in the morning, where I tried very hard not to buy anything given that I'd have to haul it back to London in my suitcase. Even when I'm not buying, I get a kick out of yard sales, though obviously the sellers probably weren't all that happy with me. (I did pick up two books, including a Julia Child cookbook for Dave, and a candle holder.)

I've discovered a downside to my recently acquired Berger cookies shirt. The iron-on on the back of the shirt is so stiff and new that I can feel it clinging to my back when I wear it. I feel like Mr. Spock when that giant single-celled neural parasite attaches itself to his back in Star Trek:

I hope after I wash it a few times it gets a bit more flexible!

(Top photo: A bar in Elfers, Fla.)


  1. oh no- not a neural parasite! Beware! A book and a candlestick holder, you are just an old fashioned lad!

  2. Ooh I've had shirts like that before - very annoying! (In fact, I'm wearing a football jersey right now, of all things, and the number on the front is sticking to my chest.)
