Saturday, August 15, 2015

French Classes, Waffle House and a Fox

Finally -- a day of rest! I can get my laundry done, read, and catch up on some blogs and other stuff I've been meaning to view online. Maybe I can even just reflect on it all for a moment or two. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing that opportunity -- a chance to process the information and experiences I take in. You know?

Among today's tasks, I need to sign up for the fall term of French classes. I haven't been studying or practicing at all for the past two weeks, and though I can remember highly useful things like the word for shark (le requin), I'm not sure I can still make the past tense. I had enough to do in Florida without taking that on.

Speaking of Florida, I forgot to mention that on my last day there, I indulged in a bit of Southern tradition by going to Waffle House with my family for breakfast. I love Waffle House. I had toast and grits and a waffle and eggs and man, it was good! I think I'm going to order a Waffle House t-shirt, but probably not the camo one.

As I was deciding which pictures to use with today's post, this fox wandered into the garden! Or, more accurately, loped. He or she is very gangly -- an adolescent, I'm guessing. Don't you think? Olga went ballistic, banging herself against the glass doors in the living room, but the fox only departed when it saw me. Clearly I'm more frightening than Olga.

We've decided that the proper way to dispose of the large rose sawfly caterpillars that occasionally infest our roses is to feed them to our venus flytrap. The flytrap loves them -- snaps shut on them right away. Is that cruel? Probably. But it's also nature.

(Top photo: A poppy petal on the patio.)


  1. I'm kind of stunned by the fox and then the Venus Fly-trap. Just -- well, wow.

  2. I LOVE the fox. And I reckon if you're going to kill the caterpillar anyway, you may as well feed it to the plant. I love your photos.

  3. 1. I love the Waffle House. I want to go there right this second. They wouldn't care if I didn't wear a bra. Right? Yes. Get a T-shirt.
    2. That fox. Oh my god. Right there in your yard in London. I am absolutely gobsmacked and what a gorgeous picture!
    3. Perfect solution for the rose bugs. Perfect!

  4. Great photo of the fox today. I'm still amazed that these creatures roam around inside a city as large and densely populated as London.

  5. If I were a little grub I would rather be eaten by a pretty green fly trap than gassed with some terrible poison-I mean if choices are that limited. Wouldn't it be grand if we could all choose our idea of best ways to die? I would choose the fly trap. That little fox looks so healthy! Good neighborhood.

  6. Love everything about your Waffle House, and that fox - cool!, and I need a Venus Flytrap!

  7. I am learning French too. Perhaps we can muddle our way through a conversation the next time we get together.

  8. everything has to eat. eating is not cruel. better to feed the plant than to just smush it.

    and waffles AND toast?

  9. Ooh I haven't had waffles in FOREVER - much less at Waffle House. Need to remedy that soon. Love that fox shot - and the poppy petal. Wow!

  10. Just look at that fox, cool as you like, right there in your back garden. And the Venus Flytrap - what a remarkable plant.

    Ms Soup
