Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Join the Mona Lisa

We're supposed to have a very warm weekend. Something called a "Spanish plume" is pushing warm air up from the south, and temperatures are supposed to reach the mid-80's. This may be one of summer's last hurrahs, so I'm going to do my best to be out and about!

I just walked Olga around the neighborhood and it's still quite cool this morning -- mid-60's. I found a nice pair of black brogues that someone had set out near the sidewalk to be taken, but they weren't my size, sadly, so I left them behind.

Dave and I went out last night with some coworkers and spent a couple of hours at this pub solving the problems of the school and the world in general. We had a great time. This was after an afternoon wine reception at school for faculty and staff to kick off the year -- an event where I had more fun than in years past. I'm making an effort to be more social at work. I'm often hidden away in the library and I frequently read at lunch rather than talking to people. So at least some of the time, I have vowed, I'm going to mix and mingle and get to know my coworkers more.

Today I'm off to see the 2015 BP Portrait Award exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery with my erstwhile blogger friend Sally.

And speaking of portraits, did I tell you that the portraits of me painted by my coworker Martin are going to be included in a museum show beginning Sept. 1? (I believe it's this show, but don't hold me to that.) There are now two finished portraits, the one I posted earlier and a second, larger one that includes more of my body and has me looking upward pensively. Martin was kind enough to give me a canvas copy of the latter, so I'll post it soon -- and I'll certainly go check out the exhibit. How often will my likeness ever hang in a museum?!

(Photo: Near the Billingsgate Fish Market, Canary Wharf.)


  1. Pretty darn cool, having your portrait in a museum.

  2. Whoa, man! From the Florida swamps to the London...everything!
    I love knowing all of this about you. Now have a good weekend and report back!

  3. I must have missed the portrait the first go-round. Your friend did a masterful job - I can well understand why it's being included in a show. And you are an excellent subject - could be a new career looming on the horizon!

  4. Congratulations to you and your friend on his portrait exhibition! His rendering is wonderful. Have a great weekend.

  5. how cool is that! I do like the one he painted that you already posted. can't wait to see the other one. it's still hot here, supposed to get up to 93˚ today.

  6. I also missed your portrait the first time. In that post, you mused about whether you would be expected to offer to buy it. I was going to put in my two cents' worth, which is that you would probably love to have it as you get older, plus, it's no different having your own portrait than having your own photograph in the house - no doubt you and Dave already have at least one photograph around? Anyway, it's a striking portrait and I look forward to seeing the other one.

    And about mixing more, especially with new acquaintances - I find it hard to mix, some days especially so, but anytime I have put in the effort it has worked out well. I find that if I just ask the other person one or two questions about themselves they usually do most of the work (the talking) and I really do learn something of interest. It surprises me every time; I don't know why, you'd think I'd know by now.

  7. Your portrait is astonishing, I absolutely was floored by it and would not hesitate to purchase it- if it is for sale for less than one million pesetas! You are a very strikingly handsome man- art model worthy, and if Olga could sit still for long enough what a portrait that would be , the boy and his dog!

  8. I checked back in your blog to see the excellent portrait. Martin is a gifted craftsman. You are a fortunate man - to have been caught on canvas so expertly.

  9. How cool! I can't wait to see the second painting.

  10. The pub. Just the place to solve the problems of the world.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the second portrait.

    Ms Soup
