Friday, August 14, 2015

Red-Hot Pokers

This is one of our most impressive garden flowers at the moment -- our red-hot pokers. We have two plants, one with one bloom and one with four. I was afraid I'd miss them entirely but fortunately the blooms are long-lasting and ours look like they'll go on for a while.

So how did I fare yesterday? Fine, surprisingly! I wasn't even that tired during the day, when I sorted magazines and caught up with all my coworkers. And in late afternoon I came home to this:

Olga's immediate reaction to my return was, "Let's play!"

Our blackberry bushes are covered with berries. Dave doesn't eat them, so I knew I'd have a supply waiting!

I unpacked my suitcase and got everything organized, took a shower, and then Dave and I watched some TV with homemade vegetable soup for dinner -- at which point I began seriously nodding off, dribbling soup on myself. So it was off to the laundry hamper and then to bed. I slept like a rock.

It feels so good to get back to routines!


  1. What's up with Dave and blackberries?

  2. You must have a strong constitution, to be fine after such a long flight.

  3. A remarkably smooth transition. You might want to check the shelving accuracy on the books today, though.

  4. What, he doesn't eat them? I did not until I was an adult. Now, I love them. I wish I had home grown...Yours look so good!

  5. Oh my goodness! More berries for you! Freeze them. Make jam of them. Smoothies. Etc.
    Glad you're home and that it was relatively easy.

  6. I LOVE the red hot poker. I see lots of them at the Desert Botanical Garden and I've always thought they were so pretty. I bet Olga was glad to see you.

  7. Your brambles (Not blackberries!) are rather more advanced than up here in South Yorkshire. Lovely with a few apple pieces as the base for a crumble pudding. My wife - Shirley - usually makes bramble jelly from our bushes but we have some maddening neighbours who seem to think it is okay to lean over our fence and pick our brambles. Hpw vicious is Olga? Maybe I could rent her for a week or two to savage those thieving neighbours!

  8. Thanks for your comment today. Much appreciated.

  9. That red hot poker brings back memories. I believe we had them in our garden when i was growing up in Jamaica. I loved them. as children, we used to suck the sap out of the closed ones. Could it really be the same plant? It LOOKS the same, except yours is far more abundant!

  10. I like the IDEA of blackberries, but I hate the little seeds that get stuck in my teeth :)

    Glad you made it through the day with only a minor soup mishap!

  11. How nice of you to point out the pleasure of getting back to routines. That's a new take on "damn it the holidays were too short". I like it. Also: blackberries were invented to be combined with puff pastry, butter and sugar - and vanilla ice cream.
