Monday, November 2, 2015

Foggy Mornings

This is how the days have dawned this weekend. In fact, we had lingering mist almost all day yesterday. "Foggy London Town" indeed -- although not the impenetrable coal-smoke pea-soupers of years past.

Dave and I had a dinner party for six yesterday. I gave Olga a long walk in the morning and then cleaned the house while Dave did the shopping and cooking -- potato-leek soup, braised beef short ribs with mashed potatoes and peas, and a miniature apple tart with ice cream and praline at the end. And wine. And more wine. I just now finished loading the last dishwasher load of dishes. Granted, we have a small European dishwasher and I'm sure an American one would do everything in one crack -- or maybe two -- but man, we used a lot of dishes.

Our guests were all fellow teachers, several of whom accompanied Dave on his trip to Paris with students last month. Ostensibly the dinner was for discussing the trip and planning for next year, but of course we talked about a zillion other things, like which TV shows to try ("Peaky Blinders," anyone?) and how to get American Netflix in the UK -- because UK Netflix sucks so badly.

And now, I gotta walk the dog again and then get ready for work!


  1. That's the division of labor over here too, I clean and my husband cooks. And my son has watched all of Peaky Blinders and recommends it highly.

  2. I cooked dinner for four last night and thought it might kill me but it didn't and it was fun. But one dishwasher load did the job! I love my dishwasher.
    Hey. It's your birthday! Are we not mentioning that? Happy birthday, my friend. May it be a good one!

  3. my husband does the cooking, except for breakfast which I do, and most of the shopping now and I do the cleaning. we've never been much for entertaining though.

  4. Happy birthday and may the year be wonderful...Your party sounded light and fun. Netflix here has gone down a notch or two since Amazon now does movies...

  5. Love the photo of the fog. We don't often have it here, so when we do, it's a novelty. Sounds like a relaxed and enjoyable party.

    Happy Birthday, and many more! Will there be cake? :)

  6. I LOVE the foggy photo. Mo had one today too. I'm curious to know what the difference is between American Netflix and UK Netflix. I watch Netflix all the time but, to be honest 90% of what I watch on Netflix is British. I watch a LOT of British shows which I think are far superior to most American television.

  7. so jealous of your husband, Mr. Man cooks SPAM...When I have thanksgiving dinner here, I do not have dishwasher so everything is by hand...discovered some very nice organic-ish throw- in- compost plates, It's a snap! You tow are so ambitious...gotta be young, happy birthday young thing.

  8. I've heard that the fog has been a real problem - but it sure is lovely in your photo.

    Hope your birthday was a good one!

  9. The dinner party sounds lovely -- and so is that photo you posted. I tried to watch Peaky Blinders, but it was just too violent for me to enjoy. What are you reading these days? I've started and am really enjoying this new novel about New York City in the 70s called "City on Fire." It's huge but a really good read --
