Monday, November 9, 2015

Olga Goes to Parliament

For some time now I've had it in the back of my mind to take Olga down to Westminster for a photographic celebration of her London roots.

So yesterday morning -- with the day promising to be, if not clear, at least not rainy -- we climbed onto the tube and rode down to the Thames. We left home pretty early, about 7:30 a.m., because I thought that would help us beat the crowds that always swarm those parts of the city during the day. The early hour meant that Dave wasn't up for accompanying us.

Our first stop -- Parliament! Olga wasn't crazy about being tied to Westminster Bridge, but since I was by myself that was the only way I could be sure she wouldn't wander into traffic while I was taking photos. In Parliament Square, on the other hand, we weren't so close to a roadway that I needed to worry.

I didn't realize when we set out that the national Remembrance Day ceremonies would be held later that day in the same area. We found many streets blocked off and lots of people in suits and uniforms, wearing the ubiquitous red lapel poppy, were gathering to prepare. So Olga and I didn't linger.

We walked to St. James's Park, where there were lots of fat squirrels and dramatic waterfowl. (Hence the dog was once again tied to the bridge for photo purposes.)

Then we walked up The Mall to Buckingham Palace. Olga couldn't even be troubled to look at the royal residence. She posed patiently for my photos while looking for squirrels in Green Park.

We had a long walk around Green Park, where we checked out some unusual sculptures, and Olga got to chase her kong and work off some energy with the Victoria Memorial in the background.

I considered going into Hyde Park too, but I decided it would be best to get our London Dog back home before Westminster got too busy with Remembrance Day. So we boarded the tube and headed back to West Hampstead!


  1. I think the London Dog aka Olga should have her very own London photo album.

    Ms Soup

  2. On Amazon right now, a new children's book - "The Adventures of Olga" by Steve Yankee in which Olga visits The London Eye, Stonehenge, The Eiffel Tower and Mount Rushmore where she piddles right down Theodore Roosevelt's left cheek.

  3. you got some good shots of Olga. she's probably used to you taking pictures...another one?

  4. Or a calendar! Is that too corny?
    Love that dog. It's so nice to be able to love a dog from afar.

  5. love that dog...she is a hit with all of us. hugs Olga!!! your pictures are amazing!

  6. This post brought a huge smile to my face. Not only because I love seeing these sights but, because I get to see Olga in places so familiar to me. Since I was there exactly two years ago it's fun to see it looking exactly the same, fallen leaves, grey skies and thinning trees. I may be coming again in the spring. I've been dealing with some medical issues and I've decided when I get it all sorted out I need to treat myself to a trip.

  7. How veddy, veddy exciting! hee hee

    Love these shots. Did anyone recognize Olga and ask for her auto-paw-graph?

  8. She steals the show every time!

  9. Thanks, everybody! An Olga book or calendar, hmmmm...but probably not featuring Theodore Roosevelt. :)

    Ellen, I think Olga is definitely used to my picture-taking. She knows to stop when I get out the camera and waits for me to finish.

    Jenny-O, Olga doesn't mind the tube much. But we've only taken it a couple of times because I have to carry her on the escalators (it's a rule) and she is HEAVY!

  10. Haha!! I guess there aren't too many St. Bernards or Newfoundlands travel the tube, then :)

  11. She's just so darned photogenic!
