Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Last Fall Color

The bright, colorful leafy stage of autumn is already giving way to a rainy, drippy, brown stage. We're definitely past the peak leaf time, such that it is around here.

So I thought I'd share a few more pictures of leaves, from the past week or two.

I'm doing this partly because I can't think of anything else to write. Dave asked how my day was yesterday, and I felt utterly blank. I couldn't think of a single occurrence worth mentioning! Which is kind of scary.

But, well, it's November. It's a time of growing darkness and dormancy.

Our Japanese maple (not really ours, but our landlord's!) is one of the last trees to turn. As you can see, it reddens from the top down. If last year is any indication, it will be completely red in a week or so.


  1. God, I envy all that gorgeous color and the change of temperature...Still sticky here.

  2. So warm and humid here that my Bradford pears haven't even turned color yet. The little Japanese maple is sort of a rusty brown. The trees may not be dropping leaves so much but they are dropping branches. And the oaks are dropping acorns.
    Dormancy- yes.

  3. fall color is rare down here. the leaves usually turn brown and fall before we get a cold snap. all the trees here are steadily dropping leaves. the yard is nearly covered now.

  4. Beautiful color! I admit that our Ohio fall has been pretty spectacular, but we're heading to brown too.

  5. I love all the beautiful leaves in these shots. When I was there in November two years ago I remember seeing lots of color in the trees in various parts of town. I enjoyed that.

  6. Beautiful! The maple is dramatic, love the leaves ! We do have many growing around here but none in our yard. I feel the dormancy , in my bones. I feel like tucking in. Your yard is so gorgeous!

  7. Ah, your photographer's eye ... we are having a beautiful fall here in Atlantic Canada as well, but I know that any pictures I might take wouldn't approach the beauty of yours. The trees and their reflection are especially lovely. Thanks for posting these - they are inspiring. Maybe I need to take my camera out today and see what I can see with a different mindset.
