Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Oh Yeah, My Birthday

The fog, which for me is just a mild atmospheric curiosity, has apparently made transportation a nightmare around England. Heathrow cancelled lots of flights and other airports here and in northern Europe are reporting disruption. I'm not sure I understand this -- I mean, airplanes depart and land in low-visibility storms all the time. Why can't they take off and land in fog? Isn't that what instruments are for?

So, yes, yesterday was my birthday. The big four-nine. I wasn't deliberately avoiding the topic -- I just wasn't thinking about it when I wrote yesterday's post! My coworkers celebrated with me -- one of them made me a peanut butter cake and they got me a card. They also surreptitiously affixed a sign to the front of my desk saying "Don't forget to wish Mr. Reed a happy birthday!" So it didn't escape the notice of the kids, and they, of course, made a big deal about it.

Dave and I, on the other hand, barely lifted a finger. We literally ate peanut butter toast for dinner last night. I think we were both exhausted after the dinner party on Sunday. (Which had nothing to do with my birthday -- it was more work-related than anything.) I told Dave I'd like to go out for a martini later this week, so we'll see.

So far, the infrared garden-cam hasn't captured anything of note. We did get a very blurry picture of what could only be a fox, but it's so blurry it's not even worth posting. We got a couple pictures of Olga. I have a feeling getting good pictures will be a long-term project!

(Photo: Purple sage among yellowed, faded loosestrife in the garden.)


  1. A good day, anyway...Did you enjoy the cake?

  2. I've never had peanut butter cake. Was it good?
    I'm glad your co-workers remembered you!

  3. I meant to wish you happy birthday on FB but I started work early and that was that. so happy birthday. it was a peanut butter day. cake and toast. I finally decided that after all these years of eating peanut butter that I actually don't really like it.

  4. Happy Birthday a day late! I think a martini later in the week sounds perfect. I love the photo today!

  5. happy birthday...enjoy your year! BTW...i love peanut butter toast too!!

  6. Mike makes a killer peanut butter pound cake - yum! But my favorite way to eat it is mixed with honey - I just stir it up on a plate & eat it with a spoon.

    I'm glad they made a to-do at work :)

  7. Peanut butter cake sounds intriguing - and good. I hope you get a chance to go out as planned. Why limit celebrations to one day? That's my approach to birthdays anyway :)

  8. Belated birthday greetings Steve but it sounds as if you are a bit like me - wishing that birthdays would just disappear.

  9. You must get that martini in celebration! The photo is lovely as all yours are.

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Steve!
