Saturday, December 19, 2015

A Post from Indoors

This is about all of the world that I saw yesterday -- the view from our front window. I barely left home except to run briefly to the cleaners in the morning.

I am definitely not well, exactly, because I'm really tired and kind of nauseated. But I don't have any of the coughing or other respiratory issues that Dave has had, and I'm hoping that rest will clear this up quickly. I haven't taken my temperature, but if I have a fever it isn't much -- and Dave's was much lower yesterday.

Unfortunately Olga is home today with no dog walker, so I'm going to have to take her out for some kind of walk. It may not be the long walk to which she has become accustomed!

Meanwhile, we've been preparing for our trip as much as possible. I have Olga's new harness at the ready, to appease the demands of the cranky dog boarder (who picks her up Monday morning right before we leave). I've gathered all the paperwork we'll need -- and then some -- for our wedding license.

Not much else to report!


  1. Feel better quickly and safe travels!

  2. Oh no, I do hope you kick that bug very, very soon.
    P.S. I love your front window.

  3. Best wishes for both you and Dave to feel much better for Monday and your travels.

  4. Oh dear. Well, three days to go still? There may be hope.

  5. This must be a trip you're looking forward to. You don't want to be ailing for this one. Make a speedy recovery.

  6. I am thinking of y'all so much. Wishing I could provide chicken soup or...something helpful.

  7. Hopefully it will pass quickly. nothing worse than being sick on a plane.

  8. Rest is always good for what ails you. Hope it does the trick completely. And I like your window(s)!
