Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Wedding Party

Let me just say right off the bat -- I have no pictures of the wedding party. Sorry about that. Lots of people were snapping away with their iPhones, so we'll have a good photographic record via Facebook, but I didn't want to run around with a camera. It was enough of a whirl just trying to talk to everyone!

But the bottom line is, it went well. Thank goodness! It was a casual backyard gathering on a shady deck at the home of John and Sue, two of my oldest friends. We may not have had 40 people but we had close to that, and everyone got along. Despite my old axiom that "It''s not a party in Florida until there's a fistfight in the front yard," things never went that awry!

I met some of Dave's relatives for the first time, including at least one who reads my blog -- hi, Aunt Diann! -- and I caught up with lots of old friends who I haven't seen in years and years. It was seriously kind of a blur. I came away feeling like I didn't give everyone adequate time, but John and Sue assured me that every married couple feels that way about their wedding party.

Dave's parents brought a beautiful Florida-themed cake, three layers decorated with white icing in aquatic shapes and garnished with sugar seashells. We put Linda Sue's grooms beside the cake on the serving table, and everyone seemed to get a kick out of them.

The food worked out well and believe it or not we had plenty of excess beer and wine, so today I have to call the liquor supplier. I hope we can return it, but if not we can redistribute it among our families.

After the party Dave and I decamped to the high-rise Hotel Floridan, an old Tampa landmark built in 1926 and recently renovated. This was the view from our room on the 19th floor. Not too shabby, huh?

Today we're headed back down to Bradenton for yet another family Christmas celebration -- because Dave's sisters weren't with us when we visited his parents a few days ago -- and then back to Tampa this evening. More car time!

(Top photo: Near Dave's parents' place in Bradenton.)


  1. Parties are always such a whirl. They go by so quickly and leave you feeling like you didn't talk to everybody you should have. Glad it went well, and see I knew the two grooms would end up on a cake.

    As for that photo. Wow, brings back memories for me. I think Florida is the only place I've ever seen those 3-wheeled adult tricycles! My grandmother bought one immediately upon moving there. Haven't seen one since I moved away years and years (and years) ago.

  2. i did not expect it to go any other way! Congratulations! I would love to be in Florida right now...we are having historical flooding here in the St Louis area...thankfully I am dry.

  3. I hope you'll share a couple photos when you get them. So happy all went well.

  4. I'm glad the party went well and you had a good time. I love the view from the hotel. Nicely done!

  5. Yep. Sounds like your basic wedding reception to me. And from the pictures I've seen on FB, it was tremendous! Glad y'all got a night to yourselves. The best part about the whole wedding ritual to my mind!

  6. of course it was a success. and yah, a whirl. the cake was gorgeous. and I love that house at the top of your post!!!

  7. It was a lovely party. Thank you again!

  8. Glad everything went well. Incredible view from the hotel - and those two photos today could not be much different from each other!

  9. So glad it went well! I remember that our reception was a blur too. I tried really hard to be PRESENT during the wedding itself, but apparently that didn't extend to the party afterward :)

  10. I'm glad it went well and you spent your time in the moment with your guests. The photos are a cool contrast to each other. I love the top one in particular.

  11. I'm so pleased there were no fist fights at the wedding party!!

    Good to hear everything went well and the view from the 19th floor of the hotel is just grand.

    Ms Soup

  12. So pleased the tiny grooms made it to the affair! The view is astonishing, and the photo at the top is the BEST! I want to be that woman on that bike in front of the yummy pastel trailer home in the sun! Perfect. So that's a done deal. no going back are married. Your cake was indeed a marvel! My eyes got so fat looking at it.
