Monday, December 14, 2015

A Wet, Misty Day

I took Olga for a walk to Hampstead Heath yesterday morning. It was a very wet day and I wasn't sure she'd even want to go, as persnickety as she can sometimes be about rain. But it wasn't really raining, just misting -- and as long as Olga doesn't feel drops coming down on her body she seems OK with getting wet.

The gray weather was actually kind of beautiful and there weren't many people out. The only sounds were dripping leaves and occasional fluttering magpies and crows. Oh, and squirrels, of course.

Olga had some opportunities to chase her Kong on the sodden playing fields...

...where she got a bit muddy.

Needless to say, a bath was required when she got home. She carried a flower bed's worth of soil into the bathtub with her.

Afterwards I zipped off to school to see the high school music department's holiday concert. It's always interesting to see and hear first-hand the pieces that Dave has been talking about all semester -- including, this time, a medley of marches from "Star Wars." Appropriate, right? The students did a great job, as usual!


  1. That first photo is extraordinary. Honestly, Steve -- your Olga pictures easily rival and often surpass those Wegman ones.

  2. I agree, that first photo is beyond breathtaking. I feel honored to look at it here!

  3. Clever band instructor. It's all about Star Wars here. We visited Barnes and Noble last night, which is supposedly a book store, and there were Star Wars figures, water bottles, lunch boxes, monopoly games, Christmas lights, playing cards, and oh,yes, books. I admit to buying a Yoda knit winter cap just because the youngest grandson will look ridiculously cute in it.
    And poor Olga - a rain-sensitive dog living in London!

  4. I love that top shot with Olga staring into the mist. Of course, she looks pretty cute covered in mud too.

  5. what a pigpen! i love misty foggy days in the park (assuming it's warm enough to feel my fingers & toes) because it keeps the crowds away and it seems like the woodland creatures come out to play.

  6. I'm glad Minnie doesn't care much for wet ground.

  7. Hang on - the concert happened on a Sunday? It is unheard of for schools to do anything on a Sunday - unless of course it's a Sunday school. Great picture of Olga by the way!

  8. I love the mist and the fog and your photo has captured that so well. "A bit" muddy doesn't quite cover Olga's condition! As long as she was having fun, eh :)

  9. Olga makes me laugh - especially when she is mud spattered.
    Ms Soup

  10. I'm catching up on 11 days of your posts & wasn't going to comment until the end - but that first picture took my breath away! Just gorgeous - all moody & Olga. Perfect!
