Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Dave and I set out from my dad's house near Tampa yesterday and drove north to Jacksonville. It was a mostly silent trip -- Dave was plugged into his computer working on some music for school, and I scouted out possible photo opportunities. I did nab a couple of interesting shots, which you may see here over the next week or two.

We're now at my brother's, where we'll no doubt spend this morning watching my nieces rampage through the approximately 100 presents under the tree. My mom is here too, newly moved to this city, and somewhere between the gifts and the food we'll go over to see her new place.

I hope everyone has a great Christmas! I'm thinking of all of you -- and our Olga, too, curled up in her kennel in England.

(Photo: Downtown Tampa, earlier this week.)


  1. Merry Christmas to you and Dave and your family. my family here is jewish and my christian family either lives in another state or are out of town so it will be a quiet day here.

  2. Olga curled up in her kennel? No way! I bet the dog boarder is running up a big fat vet's bill for you to settle when you get back.
