Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cracking the Whip

Thanks for all your kind words about Dave's health. (Dave thanks you too.) We're still in a holding pattern, allowing the antibiotics to do their thing.

I worked a full day yesterday, after stopping by the hospital in the morning. The best news of the day is that I found a mode of public transport -- overground train -- that gets me from West Hampstead to the hospital in just two stops! It wasn't immediately evident to me, and I had been using a bus that takes a circuitous route "round the houses" (as the British say) to get from here to there. Or I walked, which is direct but hilly.

Now I know I can hop on the overground and be there in minutes. Woo hoo!

Work was uneventful. I tracked down a missing library textbook by searching some high school classrooms -- and I know it sounds minor but finding it was a huge triumph. That missing book has been nagging at me for weeks, and despite my polite (and less polite) entreaties and reminders, the student who checked it out wasn't lifting a finger to return it. So, problem solved. No textbooks for her for a while. (Insert cracking whip sound effects here.)

I also sent a rather, shall we say, forceful e-mail to a teacher asking for the return of a computer charger he'd had out for more than two months. Probably a little too forceful, truth be told, and I apologized for it later -- but hey, the charger came back! (More cracking whip sound effects.)

Ah, the life of the librarian.

The day was crisp and sunny and blue, so after work I walked about halfway to the hospital, taking photos as I went. I spent a quiet evening at Dave's bedside, both of us working companionably on our computers. Modern love!

(Photo: A forsythia hedge in Belsize Park, yesterday afternoon.)


  1. You seem to be into the business of cracking whips Steve! Have the hospital staff examined Dave's back and buttocks? Poor chap. It's like he's married to Indiana Jones! "Indiana Jones and the Overdue Library Book" was a great film and thankfully good triumphed over evil in the end!

  2. who knew librarians had to be so tough. you and Dave sound like my son and his wife sitting next to each other each on their own device sending texts to each other instead of speaking. I've been a little pre-occupied with the flooding thing so I'm going to find out what's wrong with Dave!

  3. Have you ever heard any of the skits on Prairie Home Companion about Ruth Harrison, Reference Librarian? You should look them up on Youtube. Adds another dimension to our image of the librarian.
    May Dave be better every day.

  4. When you said the walk to the hospital is hilly, I'm picturing the hospital near Haverstock Hill. On one of my trips to London I stayed at a very nice hotel across the street from the hospital. I saw lots of nurses and doctors coming and going. I hope Dave continues to do well.

  5. I'm glad Dave is feeling better and I hope things are eventually sorted! Best to you both.

  6. I assumed that Dave would be home by now, Here, as you know, they kick you out of hospital unless you are cut up on the surgery table...Your photo is amazing, I did not even notice the focus on forsythia hedge until I read it...just he composition and the guy walking through bar shadows and the massive house were enough to fill my eyes! THEN the forsythia! WOW! Hugs and kisses and well wishes for Dave. Good that your legs are strong walkers!

  7. It can take a couple of days for antibiotics to work and it's hard to wait, but it sounds like things are going well so far. Get lots of rest, both of you - it's hard, but will help. As for librarian skills, you haz them :)

  8. Best wishes for Dave's quick recovery. Hugs to both of you. x0 N2

  9. Librarians saved my butt many times. I would forget to book something and come in with a pretty please could I have it anyway. they always weakened and gave it to me. what shall I say? Librarians are terrific even though they have to crack whips.

  10. Beaming continued good and healing thoughts to Dave. Who knew he was married to a whip-cracking librarian?
