Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hospital Fish

I have a confession to make.

Yesterday, when I said our little family unit had been reunited, I wasn't quite telling the truth. We were briefly reunited after Dave's return on Sunday, but as of Monday, I was once again sleeping with Olga in our bed, next to an empty place where Dave should be. And Dave, well...

...Dave is in the hospital.

Don't worry. We are not in crisis mode. But there are some medical issues that must be dealt with.

Basically, and I'm saying this with Dave's permission, there's an infection and some related issues that may involve Crohn's Disease. These problems have arisen before -- back in 2010, when we lived in New Jersey, he spent a few days in the hospital for similar reasons. (I didn't write about it then, because I was on blogging hiatus, but I took this photo in his room.)

This time around, we spent four hours in the A&E ("Accident and Emergency," which is what the ER is called here) on Monday night, and Dave was admitted. He's getting antibiotics and we're waiting to see what further treatment may be needed.

Yesterday was madness for me. I had my own doctor's appointment in the morning -- the follow-up from my earlier appointment and blood tests, the conclusion being that I am absolutely fine. So there's that, at least.

Then I rejoined Dave and sat with him an hour or two, before going home to gather some stuff for him (like a laptop and some DVDs -- his shared hospital room has no TV), and went to work. I stayed through the afternoon, then went back to the hospital, and stayed until about 9 p.m.

I'll be back today, of course, and back at work, too. Never a dull moment!

(Photo: Hospital elevator lobby. Each floor has a different big photo. Surreal!)


  1. Oh dear. I am sorry to hear that about Dave and hope that he's a lot better soon. Something like Crohn's disease never really goes away does it but if it can be controlled then the future can still be rosy. Get well soon Dave!

  2. sorry to hear he is ill. i am sending prayers of recovery.

  3. No fun for either of you! Hopefully everything gets under control soon!

  4. Yikes! I hope Dave feels better!

  5. Oh- please tell Dave that he has people out here who are thinking of him and wishing him well. Me, specifically.
    Damn. This just sucks. May all be back to normal soon, your family unit in place again.
    Take care, Steve. Not just of Dave and Olga but of yourself as well.

  6. thanks for sharing. it's hard to figure out where to draw the line with blogging, but this can be another space for support. hope the solution/treatment is manageable and he's out of there asap!

  7. I hope Dave recovers quickly. Things can get crazy busy.

  8. Thinking well wishes For Dave. Crone's is no picnic. The gigantic tropical fish is cheerful and funny and could either lift one's spirits or make them think they are insane,shrunk down to Alice size- hospitals have drugs , you know. I would rather see a smaller nature scene If I were feeling unwell. I am so sorry - and I do hope that he is well taken care of. LOVE you both- He is probably home by my hope. And Olga's!!

  9. Oh dear, how stressful for you both. I do hope that Dave will be home soon. I'll be sending positive thoughts your way.

  10. Oh no! Hospitals are no fun. I do hope Dave will be back in peak form soon. I know it helps to have you there. Sending love and healing thoughts.

  11. It's stressful being ill and it's stressful being the loved one of the person who is ill. Take care, all of you, and I hope Dave's issues are under control soon. Good to hear you are in fine health, Steve. Scritches for Olga.

  12. Poor Dave! I hope he recovers quickly!

  13. I hope he will be out and home quickly!

  14. bummer. he must have been feeling pretty bad to get put in the hospital. I had to look up crohn's disease. I've heard of it of course. a friend's son developed it. they were not happy with the doctor's approach and took it on themselves. he says they cured their son through diet, going organic and fresh. we people in first world countries with our modern 'food' and our constant use of antibiotics have basically destroyed healthy gut biota. hope he's better soon. I hate hanging out in hospitals.
