Monday, April 25, 2016

Olga with Deconstructed Spring Bouquet

Olga and I went to Hampstead Heath yesterday, where we encountered all kinds of spring flowers. There were bluebells -- although Olga was less interested in them than in nearby squirrels.

We found a tulip on the way, which Olga claimed as her own in true dog fashion immediately after I took this photo.

There was Scotch broom...

...and there was an apple tree blooming white, and something else covered with light yellow-green.

And of course, you can't have spring flowers without dirt!


  1. Hey - sorry I was away at such a worrying time for you. Sending you and Dave late but very sincere best wishes. x

  2. Oh, Olga! What a beautiful mess.

  3. ...and the white dog certainly shows the dirt.

  4. Olga is just like a little kid. She loves to play in the mud.

  5. Did you name Olga after the tenth century heroine St Olga of Kiev or Olga Getemov the Las Vegas lap dancer?

  6. Ha ha ha! Love the last photo!

  7. glad to hear that the CAVE is home. Be well! Olga does make us laugh...she is such a child!

  8. Bluebells! Summer is almost here....almost

  9. Your dog leads a charmed, if sometimes gorgeously messy, life!

  10. love the picture with the apple tree, etc., and a tiny olga. what a great place to be a dog (and a human with your dog)
