Thursday, April 28, 2016


You may be looking at that photo, taken out a rain-spattered car window, and thinking, "Gee, that doesn't look like England."

And you'd be right. Because I'm in....Florida.

I know, I know. Dave is sick, and about to have surgery, and no doubt it seems like I chose the worst time in the world to suddenly fly across the ocean. But that's because I didn't really choose it. My dad's brain chose it.

I got a text from my stepsister late Tuesday night saying my dad was in the hospital. He'd been feeling numb on his left side for a while, but he wouldn't go to the doctor before his regularly scheduled appointment this week. Well, the doctor admitted him right away. A stroke was initially suspected, but we've subsequently learned that my dad has small lesions on his brain, including one that is surrounded by a fluid-filled cyst that is exerting pressure on his cerebellum and affecting his balance.

The nature of these lesions is not exactly clear. But surgery is required to remove the cyst, and that will occur this morning.

My dad is 79 years old, so brain surgery is not a minor thing. I talked it over with Dave, got online at 3 a.m. Wednesday morning and bought a ticket. I made arrangements with work, and now I've joined my stepmother, brother, stepbrother and stepsister to help see my dad through.

I'll then return to England on Sunday, arriving Monday morning, a few days in advance of Dave's surgery next week. He should be fine in my absence, as he's basically just in a holding pattern. I've asked some coworkers to look in on him.

When it rains, it pours -- and sometimes it just keeps on pouring.

Let's have a photo of Olga, perfectly lit on Tuesday by the afternoon sun, to cheer us up.

Yesterday on my flight I got a beef cottage pie for lunch. Among the listed ingredients: fish. I cannot begin to imagine why beef cottage pie would contain fish. Cowfish, maybe?


  1. So sorry to hear about your father's condition Steve but I applaud the fact that you rushed over to be with him at this critical time. Good on you and fingers crossed for the old man.

  2. Good grief, Steve. Your plate is entirely too full.
    At least your father's problem has been identified, and you'll be able to return in time for Dave's operation. Sending wishes for quick healing for both Dad and Dave.

  3. Yikes! that must have been expensive. hope your dad comes through his surgery fine.

  4. praying all goes well with your are a good son to be there and support him and they family!

  5. Oh Steve, I'm so sorry. You do have a lot on your plate right now. I will keep you in my thoughts and am hoping for good results for your dad. Thanks for the picture of Olga. You are right, it always brings a smile.

  6. Sending love and good thoughts to you and your family, Steve. Olga's posing like she knows you can use the comfort.

  7. Steve, I wish your father a quick and easy recovery. And Dave, too, of course!

  8. you are made of strong stuff, sir. Hoping the best for your Dad and family, and of course Dave! It is not the surgery that troubles me so much as the anesthesia. especially concerning with brain surgery but it is the best thing they have going...My Dad got short changed on oxygen during surgery- but that was in south Texas, third world at best!Thoughts are with you, stay well. Well wishes for Dave!

  9. Best, best wishes for your father and family and you & Dave!
    Wonderful photo of clouds and one of sweet Olga.
    I think your pie had pigfish in it ...

  10. Oof - 2016 has just sucked so far. Wishing everyone well!

  11. My hopes that all will work out well!

  12. I hope your Dad comes through surgery successfully and that he recuperates quickly. Neurosurgery works well these days.

  13. Yikes. I think it's important than you came. Too much going on with people in your life right now. Very stressful. Best wishes for your Dad and Dave's upcoming surgery. Thinking of you!

  14. Oh my goodness, Steve! I am so sorry to read this. I hope your Dad's surgery went well and that he heals quickly. My best to you and June and the rest of your family.

  15. "never rains but it pours" - so true. But we are stronger than we think we are. I'll be keeping you and your dad and family, and Dave and Olga, in my thoughts.

  16. love this photo so much. hope things continue to improve with your dad now that his surgery is out of the way. will be thinking good thoughts for all of you! including olga :)
