Friday, December 9, 2016

A Lively Door

Here's an interesting old door I came across in Soho. I shot it at least once before, back in 2013, but it was less interesting then than it is now. That piece on the bottom right, by artist Paul "Don" Smith, seems to have something to do with the EU. Clearly someone took umbrage with it.

Don usually creates art with a pretty positive message, so "We love you E.U." wouldn't be unusual for him. I wish I could find a photo of this piece without the big blue X -- I'm sure there are some out there -- but my Google searches were fruitless.

I had a quiet evening last night. Dave had a student concert, so I was here alone with the dog. I continued typing my old journals, which I've been having a great time reading. I came across an entertaining story about seeing a Moroccan uromastyx while walking near my village one day in 1994. I had no idea what it was. I called it the Moroccan equivalent of a Gila Monster, which it does vaguely resemble, but I don't think the uromastyx is venomous.

I've also been making my way through a fascinating book called "While the City Slept," about a murder in Seattle and the inadequate system in the United States for treating the dangerously mentally ill.

The library kids have been behaving better. I think they know they pushed me to my limits earlier this week. They've backed off!


  1. I sympathise with you about the library miscreants, taking advantage of their numbers and playing mindgames with you. It's a difficult cycle to break. As it wasn't nipped in the bud, disciplinary action may be required in the new term. They need to know who is boss and you are King Steve, Keeper of The Knowledge. They shall pay homage. If The American School pay my train fare, I will travel down and kick ass for you - not your ass, theirs.

  2. Typical Remain versus Brexit - an artistic rendition of a vision blotted out by a crude negativity. I'd love to know who the figure was in the original.

  3. Blighted creativity...too bad...I hope you enjoy your cool break.

  4. I found the message "breathe" on the door. I like that. I needed it.

  5. I get a kick out of that kind of graffiti, the good and the ugly. Have you seen this site:

  6. that is the cutest reptile thing! Reminds me of the horned toads we used to play with in Wyoming. They were irascible but so adorable in doll clothes. Nice of the kids to settle down, little rebels without a cause...

  7. I guess if you put your work out in the public, thee is always the risk that it may be vandalized. Otherwise it's an abandoned door.

  8. That uromastyx does look a bit like a gila monster or maybe a smaller version of the komodo dragon.

  9. while you were traveling around morocco i was having my daughter. who knew we'd one day be in daily contact. i haven't said it lately but I'm happy to have found you in this virtual yet so real world.

  10. I was in soho yesterday..signing the " save the cuurzon" petition !

  11. The uromastyxes have impressive tails! Glad to hear the students have settled down. For now. We all know it's only temporary :)

  12. If the blue X was a political statement, it echoes what is happening a lot in the U.S.A. by the victorious forces. As President-Elect Trump would tweet: "Sad."
