Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Going South

This has been our recent weather in Jacksonville -- gray and foggy. We got a front yesterday that brought the temperature down and left me shivering in my shorts and sweatshirt. I may have to break out my London jacket!

But then, we're driving south today, so maybe things won't be quite so chilly down there.

Our original plan was to leave Jacksonville and go straight to Bradenton to see Dave's parents. But they're still on their way down from Michigan, so we're going to take an extra day for a slow drive through Central Florida and maybe some sightseeing. We'll get to Bradenton tomorrow, after his parents have arrived. Our cruise, for which we will drive back to Tampa, begins on Friday.

Yesterday Dave, my mom, my brother and I all went to see "Rogue One," the new Star Wars movie. It was good, with spectacular visual effects, but why do mass-market movies have to be so relentlessly go-go-go these days? Are viewer attention spans that short? God forbid we should pause, amid all the laser fire, for character development. I don't think I've ever seen a movie where so many people die onscreen.

And of course, we ate. Restaurant portions seem ridiculously HUGE. Yesterday I got an omelette that must have contained five eggs, and Dave's hamburger was the size of a tea saucer. When I ordered conch fritters at a seafood restaurant on Monday night they arrived as big as lemons. I'm feeling overfed and our cruise hasn't even started!


  1. Thanks for the warning about "Rogue One" - I will avoid it to the end of my life like all other "Star Wars" films. As for the portion sizes, don't worry - it will just lead to a completely new wardrobe when you get back to London - if your blubber can be squeezed into the aircraft seat on the way back.

  2. Enjoy...You'll walk everything off eventually. Best to your family.

  3. Yes. Our portion sizes are ridiculous.
    Enjoy your drive!

  4. we're thinking about going to see it. but you are right, so many films are non-stop action. Arrival was slow paced and thoughtful though and only one explosion. and several years ago we saw Ex Machina which was slow and very mental.

    We're on a warming trend now but my poor tropicals got zapped by one night with temps in the freezing zone.

  5. What a beautiful dream-like photo! Wouldn't be the same with the sun full out.

    I know what you mean about movies these days. If something does blow up within ten minutes it's doomed to be a failure.. We don't go anymore unless the movie is something special. We were thinking of going to ROGUE, but now I won't be rushing into it. Nothing I love better than character development -- that's why we are watching Downton Abby start to finish again. Talk about character development!

    Enjoy your middle Floridian meanderings! Too bad you don't go boy Weeki Wachee (SP?) or is it closed now?

  6. I get so tired of such huge portions of food. One thing that really bugs me are sandwiches that are so tall or thick that you can't open your mouth wide enough to get a bite. Why?
    I've been debating about seeing that movie but, I have to admit, I do get tired of all the violence.
    I love that photo!

  7. I used to ALWAYS ask for a to-go box right away & then take half my food home for lunch the next day. Kind of hard to do when you're travelling though.

    There will be a lot of walking on the cruise (well, I guess you could just lounge, but I know you better than that), so that will help with the food.

  8. And Americans wonder why so many of us are obese.

  9. Gloomy weather would be a disappointment in Florida. Portions in general are far too big. My wife and I usually split an order.

  10. You'll need to run laps around the cruise ship!

    That photo is lovely.
