Sunday, December 25, 2016

Key West in Pictures

Our arrival in Key West went smoothly yesterday morning. We steamed (is that the word?) into port and were helped to our berth by this guy, who used that long pole to capture the ship's tie lines when they were dropped into the water. His dog helped by watching.

The entire family had some trouble getting off the ship, thanks to confusing directions about which stairwell/elevator to use. But we finally figured it out and found ourselves on Duval Street, the town's main drag.

Of course it's no surprise that Key West should have its Christmas decorations out, but they look a little weird in that tropical environment.

The usual assortment of characters were out and about (and no, I did not cheat the little dog)... well as the usual assortment of wandering chickens.

Dave and I walked with my brother and his family to the Southernmost Point, which was mobbed with people taking pictures. There was actually a line. Which I have never seen there. I think it's because there were two ships in port.

We beat a hasty retreat and my brother headed back to the ship with his small daughters, who were not having a lot of fun walking in the heat. Dave and I moved on to Blue Heaven, a terrific outdoor restaurant, where we had bloody marys and chicken salad sandwiches beneath the spreading overhead trees.

Dave peeled off and went back to the ship after lunch. I kept walking another few hours, to photograph more of the tropical foliage and quirky buildings and sights. I love Key West.

I first came here in the mid-'80s, and it's changed a lot since then, into more of a tourist mecca -- ironically partly due to the presence of cruise ships, which began docking here in the '90s, as I recall. But there are still lots of quiet corners.

As ambivalent as I am about cruises and cruise ships, the service on this trip has been impeccable so far. Last night, this little guy was waiting for us on our bed. I think he's made of washcloths!


  1. I was thinking yesterday that you could spend every moment in Cozumel photographing street views.
    Merry Christmas, Steve!

  2. those are some great photos Steve but I especially like the one of the rooster.

  3. I love that elephant! And the chicken!

    I couldn't deal with the heat, though - I'm kind of glad it's snowy and blowy here :)

    Thanks for taking us along on your trip/

  4. I haven't been to Key West since the 90's and I remember enjoying walking in the city. So many interesting places to see including the southernmost tip of the US. When I was working in St. Louis, I flew to Miami with some friends, we rented a convertible and drove down to Key West. That was such a fun and beautiful drive. I'm glad to see Sloppy Joe's is still there!

  5. I think you have the right idea. Pay your money and go out and make use of it . Don'
    t miss a thing.

  6. Thanks for taking us all to Key West. We are not jealous. No. Not one little bit.

  7. Merry Christmas! Love these photos and the little washcloth elephant is adorable.

  8. Our first visit to Key West was in the early 70's when it was a small place and rather run down.
    It's about ten years since we were last in Florida, and then we spent several days in Key West. We stayed on Duval St, at the Crowne Plaza, ideal for walking everywhere. The town had changed a lot over the intervening twenty or so years, and was much more prosperous and touristy, but still enjoyable. Did you visit the Hemingway House?
