Friday, December 16, 2016

Formal Footwear

Another holiday gathering yesterday -- this one for all the faculty and staff at school. (The dinner the previous night was just for my department.) Yesterday's was much more pleasant -- a mingling, walking around kind of event with finger food, and held in the library, no less! It's so much more pleasant to be mobile and talk to numerous people, as opposed to being stuck at a cramped table all night.

Today we'll probably be finding used glassware tucked behind the French novels, but it's a small price to pay for free wine.

Dave and I are coming down to the wire in terms of trip preparation. We've got to pack tonight, and Olga's dog sitter will be picking her up this evening. Packing will be a bit more complicated than usual because of the cruise -- we'll be bringing suits, and ties, and more formal clothing than we would normally take to Florida. But we have to have casual stuff to walk around in, too. I suppose I'll have to bring a second pair of shoes, which is anathema to me, but I'll manage.

Poor Olga. She's snoring away next to me on the couch, completely unaware that her world is about to be shaken up. She's a very in-the-moment dog, though -- she'll be fine. I suspect that in worrying about her, I suffer worse than she does when we travel!

(Photo: Santa and an elf outside Liberty in Soho.)


  1. That's so true - responsible pet owners worry! Works the same for parents, for what it's worth :)

  2. Will you be taking a sailor suit complete with sailor cap? Well, hello sailor!

  3. I never thought about it but I guess you do need formal clothes on a cruise. well, that tears it. I guess I'll never go on a cruise.

  4. Packing is one of the downsides of travel. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a uniform everyone would wear for holidays?

  5. That is a rather jaunty Santa! Good luck with the packing and safe travels!

  6. Santa's elf now wears all black. Seems entirely right. Great pic!

  7. Safe travels, Steve! I look forward to seeing your pictures from your trip!

  8. Speaking of clothes, the other day I bought a fur coat (I haven't worn real fur since the 60s) But this jacket did not just say 'faux fur' but stated 'vegan fur, no animal was harmed in the making of this garment'. (This is a new one on me but it assuaged my conscience no end) But having had a closer inspection of my innocent purchase I have reason to believe that there are now a few less Yeti in the world. You are a man of the world and I have great faith in your opinion. As I'm a carnivore, what do you think I should do with said vegan jacket, fry it or boil it?
    Have a wonderful cruise. By chance I was in the middle of the Atlantic on the SS France when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Boy, was there a party that night!

  9. Well. I'm not sure I'd want a party in the library but whatever! A party is a party. I don't own a suit. I guess I better not go on a cruise.

  10. Have a fab cruise and take loads of pics!

  11. Ellen & Red - not all cruises require evening wear - the one we went on didn't. We took a couple of nice outfits in case we wanted to eat in the dining room (& not stand out), but we actually mostly ate at the buffet, which was VERY casual. Ah, memories - we were on our cruise one year ago today...

    I think (I hope) you'll be surprised at how much fun you have.

  12. Safe travels and enjoy your cruise. Best to your family.

  13. Bon Voyage, Steve and Dave, and Merry Christmas!
