Saturday, June 29, 2019

Seven Summer Flowers

There's so much happening in the garden now! I can't possibly show it all -- but here are some highlights.

First, our delphinium, which is new this year, is blooming away. We tried growing one years ago and it got eaten by slugs (or something). The secret to success -- put it in a pot!

The snapdragons are still going strong.

Also blooming for the first time -- the rescued acanthus, or bear's breeches. It sent up an impressive flower spike, with purple-white petals dangling like moths' wings from purple-green bracts.

This purple poppy is a volunteer, growing under a tree out by the street.

Our "Bowl of Beauty" peonies are done now, but this bright magenta one is still going strong.

Also blooming is our Maltese cross, or red campion. This may be the last year we get flowers from this plant, unless we move it -- it's being slowly smothered by an adjacent bay shrub, and it's much smaller this summer than last. We may try to dig it up and relocate it, if we get ambitious.

Of course there's the added complication of whether we'll even be here next summer, given our landlord's recent request. Maybe we'd be smart to put it in a pot!

Finally, our red lupine is blooming. This is a cousin of the yellow one I showed you a few weeks ago. Pretty!


  1. The delphiniums are my all time favourites. Lovely flowering plants you have.

  2. Love the close-ups. Your garden must be stunning, taken as a whole. Here in Massachusetts we're on the verge of going into peak but I'd appreciate it if the rabbits would stop eating my black eyed Susan's down to the ground.

  3. So beautiful. The delphiniums are screaming "Look at me!"

  4. Isn't gardening just the most satisfying thing when it works out? You and Dave are certainly doing a beautiful job. I can't believe that your landlord would have any desire to get rid of the two of you as tenants. I doubt they even know what their property manager is doing as to contract renewal. Of course I could be wrong but come on- you guys are perfect!

  5. Gorgeous photographs of your lovely flowers! So lush and green -- just how I imagine English gardens to be. Too bad about the rent uncertainty. Seems every time I really settled into a place and put a lot of money and work into improvements, the landlord wanted to sell it! But still, I enjoyed the benefits while I was there. Hope it all works in your favor.

  6. Your flowers are so beautiful. Ah the colors of summer.

  7. Your flowers really are beautiful!

  8. Seeing all these flowers is a special treat! They are gorgeous. I especially like the delphinium. That is one I don't ever see here at all.

  9. I was going to say the delphinium is gorgeous, but when I saw the rest -- they're ALL gorgeous! So much colour and so many beautiful shapes in your garden.

  10. Gorgeous blooms. You've done well.
