Thursday, September 19, 2019

Another Main Break

There's another water main break right in front of our house. This has happened several times now. I don't know if there's a particularly weak section of pipe there, or if we just have lousy luck, but we definitely seem to be the epicenter of water repairs on our street.

We first noticed it a few weeks ago when a sinking puddle formed in the middle of the pavement and water began trickling down the gutter. We called to report it, and I know the neighbors called too -- but it took Thames Water a surprisingly long time to finally get here and start to fix it.

Anyway, they're here now, and as you can see they've dug up a good-sized section of road.

I don't know if you can tell from the photo, but our front garden is also ridiculously overgrown. The bushes are obscuring our front window and overhanging the sidewalk. I've notified our property manager that they need a trim (we manage the back garden but the landlord manages the front) -- we'll see whether that has any effect.

A couple of big pieces broke off the christmas cactus at work. (It's now much bigger than it was when I first pictured it here on the blog, so it could afford to lose a couple of branches.) They were already pretty wilted when I noticed them, but I put them in water and brought them home last night. I'll plant them over the weekend and see if I can root them. Supposedly christmas cactuses are easy to root. We'll see!

We're having our first autumnal blast of chilly weather. I went out with the dog yesterday morning, wearing shorts and a thin sweatshirt as usual, and I was freezing by the time we were halfway through our walk. I checked my weather app on my phone and it was 45ยบ F! No wonder I was cold!


  1. Enjoy your change of season! I wish that would happen here...

  2. Christ! I don't know if you noticed this but there's a freakin' lizard on your windowsill!

  3. Thames water no longer have a good reputation. The difference between the Municipal Water Board and a company answerable to shareholders...
    We have just come down to England for a little sun!

  4. I hate works going on in the street like that, all the dirt gets trod inside, at least its not raining. I wonder how old the pipes are?

  5. My husband read yesterday that you shouldn't water a Christmas cactus in September - sonething about preparing it to bloom for the holiday. Our cactus is about 40 years old - really. I't's too big and I have no place to put it, but it stubbornly lives on.

  6. Good luck with the rooting! I imagine it will go well.
    45 degrees! If I walked out the door and it was that chilly I'd go back in and put on leggings, a sweater, and a coat. I think you are a successful transplant yourself, Steve! From Florida to London. You have grown your own roots and adjusted to your new environment.

  7. I need to ask my dad how old his Christmas cactus is - he's had it for many years. I think it came from a cutting from my great-grandmother. I guess I'd better learn it's care & feeding instructions - daddy is doing very well, but he did just turn 79.

  8. you'd be hard pressed to pry me out of the house at 45˚. seems like management pruned back those bushes not that long ago. would you get in trouble if you started just keeping them pruned back? who would even know?

  9. I also had a huge Christmas cactus at school. kids always wanted one so I started many.I usually had a jar with plants that I was starting for kids.

  10. Hope they figure out what's going on with those water pipes. We had a notice from the city water here that yesterday they would be working on pipes from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and that we would be using the water reserves with higher levels of chlorine during those hours. Ugh. Such dependence we have on these public utilities. Good luck with that Christmas Cactus.

  11. 45 degrees and you'd find me in gloves and scarf and big coat. That water pipe issue is kind of scary. I wonder if they just keep patching it instead of replacing the parts that are breaking. I love seeing the house even if there is a big hole in front. You live in such a pretty neighborhood.

  12. I'm cold when it goes under 60F degrees. Gosh, I hope they get the water leak fixed soon. I have to say I just love the architecture of your house. It's really beautiful. I agree, though, the landlord does need to trim those bushes by your windows. The cactus plant should root easily for you. I do it now and then when a chunk of my plant gets knocked off. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  13. I was going to warn you about that lizard but then I saw YP beat me to it. Or are you contemplating buying insurance from Geico. (Don't know if you see there commercials across the pond but here in the U.S. of A. they feature a talking gecko. And they're pretty rare.)

  14. Brrr - that IS cold. Our nighttime temps have taken a huge dip (we had frost last night!!) but daytime is still getting above 50F. I expect you WERE cold :)

    Ugh - water troubles - especially when you never know if your water will be shut off just as you want to shower or start doing something needing running water . . .
