Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Dahlia Day

We're at the time of year when the glass prisms in the living room throw little rainbows on the walls. This one caught my eye, making feathery shadows as it passed through our maidenhair fern.

I totally forgot about the Oscars when I wrote yesterday's post. Not that I have much to say. I haven't seen any of the movies, although I am eager to see "Nomadland" when it finally becomes available here. (Apparently we'll have to stream it on Disney Plus.) Cinemas in England are all still closed, but can reopen on May 17.

This is undoubtedly the most disconnected I've felt from any Oscars ceremony in my lifetime. Partly, it's age -- I just don't keep up with movies as fervently as I used to. But it's also hard to get excited about films when you're not able to see one! The only nominated film I've seen is "Hillbilly Elegy," on Netflix.

Yesterday was crazy busy at work -- lots of re-shelving, book deliveries and other routine stuff. And then, because I hadn't run around enough all day, I went to Homebase after work to buy compost, and wound up with two gargantuan bags -- 120 litres each! They were so big I had to call a taxi to bring me home. It made me realize I haven't ridden in a car in ages. It felt very luxurious. Imagine! Hopping in a little metal box with soft seats and being taken anywhere you want! What will humans think of next?

This is why I needed the compost. It's dahlia time again! I brought them all out of their winter slumber in our shed and potted them up. Some of them had tiny sprouts and root systems, even though they were sitting in utterly dry compost. Durable little devils.

How did I get seven dahlias?

Here they are installed in their new homes. We have to keep them in pots because otherwise they're slug chow.

I also have a little problem with the poppy seedlings in a pot on the patio. I sprinkled seeds there a few months ago but I didn't realize I'd planted them that thickly! I'm going to have to do some thinning. I don't think poppies like being transplanted, unfortunately, so I'll just have to pull them. There's also a borage plant, some forget-me-nots and a few corncockles in that pot -- in addition to the passion flower vine that is its main occupant.

Finally, I realized yesterday that I took so many pictures of Olga at the cemetery on Sunday that I could make a little animated GIF with them:

I shot a lot of frames because I was trying to catch her in mid-bark. But now, watching this, I'm thinking I should have just made a video!


  1. Somewhat disappointing to discover that this post was not in fact about Doris Day's younger sister.

  2. The GIF is perfect. No noise. You are so ambitious (i.e., not lazy) when it comes to your garden. Priceless plethora of poppies! Can't wait to see the dahlias in bloom.

  3. Oh, how could I forget: The prism photo is art!

  4. I like the animated gif. A video would probably have been much longer and I only have a gay attention span.
    Our house in the 1980s had bevelled edges on the windows and they had the effect of prisms and used to make wonderful rainbows around the rooms.

    1. That would be cool -- to have beveled windows. What a great effect!

  5. I got a piece of plastic film that you tape to a window and it makes a rainbow. It was a valentine's day gift for Iris. The cool thing is that it makes a rainbow that starts out on the ceiling and as the sun moves, it moves too, down the wall, down the hall, and eventually across the livingroom. Iris likes to watch it travel, waiting for the moment that she can touch the rainbow with her hand. I love rainbow shadow photo.

  6. I love your rainbow! I think we have a prism in a drawer somewhere - time to drag it out & put it somewhere that it will actually see sun.

    Your poppy issue reminds me of my little boxes where I sowed some wildflower seeds. The seeds came out in a giant puff - I was literally unable to do anything other than just wave them toward the dirt. Now it looks a lot like your poppies. Ha!

    1. A prism in a drawer sounds kind of sad! Sometimes it's hard to control the spread of seeds, for sure.

  7. That's a rather unique set of photos of Olga. She's beautiful even when she's barking at you. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. She gets so frustrated when I stop and take photos!

  8. I have one tiny prism on the east side of the house, one on the west. I get morning and evening rainbows.
    So many poppy babies! Gird your loins, Steve! I know how much you hate thinning!

  9. I love the Oscars but this year was subdued because we hadn't seen one nominated film so our interest was lacking. And I would like to see many of those films on the big screen when it's safe to go back!

    1. I didn't even realize the Oscars were happening. I was completely oblivious.

  10. Seeing Olga barking made me smile. It looks like another pretty day there.
    Last night I was at my friend Julie's house which is right up against Camelback Mountain. I noticed that the rock face was covered with lichen. So I was wrong, there is a lot of lichen here.

  11. I used to watch the Oscars every year, but haven't in the past few. I would also like to see Nomadland, but will have to wait a while before it shows up on the internet where we can stream it.
    Ah you remind me that we need to put out some diatomaceous earth around our dahlias to protect them from the slugs. It works pretty well as long as it does get too wet.

    1. I used to watch the Oscars too -- they were such a big deal! I guess they will be again once we get back to normal. We've tried diatomaceous earth with mixed results.

  12. Every year coming out of the north I felt like you with your car ride. It was strange . I hadn't even see a car for a year.

    1. It's funny to be reintroduced to something that used to be so routine!

  13. I hadn't watched most of the films nominated for Best Picture, hadn't even heard of some of them, but now I have a list of movies to watch!

    1. I hadn't heard of some of them either. Our lockdowns have stifled so much of our culture.

  14. I don't know, I kinda like the jerkiness of Olga's barking. that is a lot of poppies in one pot. by the time yours start blooming mine should be done. and I had no idea it was Oscars time, not that I have watched it in decades but I didn't even see any ads on TV about it coming up. I need to make a trip to the feed store for more mulch but I always take the truck!

    1. I don't know what I was thinking with those poppies. I don't think I expected EVERY seed to germinate!

  15. That's beautiful! In 2019 I saw all the Best Picture nominees as well as "The Two Popes" and that was fun because I had definite opinions. This year I've seen "Nomadland" (loved it) and "The Octupus Teacher"(excellent) but will try to see some of the others soon.

    1. You've seen a lot more than I have! I used to stay on top of movies much better than I do now.

  16. Olga Gril, You Precious Little Gal - Now Use That Wet Nose And Check Around Your Pink Blanket - Excellent Capture Of That Rainbow Prism - As For The Oscars, Completely Embarrassing - 93rd Will Go Down In The History Books As The Worst Ever - Would Highly Recommend Soul


    1. Ha! That seems to be the consensus -- that it was a terrible ceremony. Olga is snoring next to me but if she were awake she'd say hello. :)

  17. Love your GIF of Olga... as well as the prism photo!

    1. Thanks! The GIF was a fun way to turn all those extra pictures into something interesting.

  18. You certainly do seem to know a lot about gardening. I never know what anything is in my yard. I have TONS of weeding to do - grass keeps growing up in my ground cover and it is tedious trying to remove each blade and the roots too. If I don't recognize a plant, I never know if it is a weed or something I should let grow. Oh well, I try... and it is a good hobby that gets me outside. Nice prism photo!

    1. Honestly, we learn new things about the garden every day. If I am in doubt about a "weed" I let it grow. We've had some interesting things come up of their own accord!

  19. I love your Olga gif. The Oscars ceremony was dull, with the exception of Tyler Perry's lovely speech. He won the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.


    1. I didn't see that speech! I'll have to check it out.
