Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Boat Critter

I found this rather weathered painting on the side of a canal boat on Saturday. I think it's a...beaver? In a dress? With spectacles? Maybe it's a Beatrix Potter character I'm not aware of. She seems to be opening the door and greeting some insects.

So many questions.

Yesterday at work, I began our springtime library inventory, which I love to do each year. Basically it means hiding out in the stacks and scanning every single book to determine whether any have gone missing. It's meditative -- I eventually hit a rhythm with the scanner and I can just let my mind wander.

Then, in the afternoon, I took my poor ailing camera to a Canon repair place down in Vauxhall. I'm so glad to finally be getting it serviced. There's been a piece of fuzz or hair in it for years that shows up on my pictures, and I can't for the life of me figure out where in the camera that fuzz is. I usually just edit the photos to remove it, but that's a pain. You can see it in this image, and also here, crossing the upper right corner of the frame.

Anyway, when I told the guy at the camera shop about it he used a magnifying device with a light and peered into the camera body and said, "Oh, yeah, there are several fibers in there, actually." (Probably Olga fur!) They're also going to fix the lens so I don't get that problem with the contact points that I mentioned on Sunday. It's going to cost a couple hundred pounds, but considering I haven't had the camera serviced at all since I bought it in 2012, and I've used it practically every day, that's not so bad.

What made this little errand so momentous is that it required me to ride the tube, which I've done only two or three times since Spring 2020. And it was the first time I've been south of the river since our initial lockdown began more than a year ago.

To make it even more momentous, I happened to ride down with a colleague from work who lives near Vauxhall, and after I dropped off the camera we WENT TO A PUB!!! My first pub outing in more than a year! We sat out on the sidewalk in front of a place called The Doghouse and had a couple of pints, and it felt very refreshing to live so normally. We watched pedestrians and were approached by a panhandler and saw a motorcyclist yell at a bicyclist in a case of road rage. Welcome to London!

I still experience a little frisson of anxiety when I'm around groups of strangers. I suppose it will take a while for that to dissipate. It's like we all have to re-learn how to socialize, you know?


  1. Whoever painted that canal boat picture must have been tripping on acid. I think it is meant to be ex-PM David Cameron trying to curry favour for Greensill Capital from his former parliamentary colleagues. "Oh! Not you again Dave!" which co-incidentally may also be an expression that has often sprung from your mouth.

  2. A pub! How very daring of you!
    I had to look up " panhandler"...not a word used in UK.

  3. Minute fragments inside the camera body are annoying. For many years in the early 1990s, I had a hair inside my Canon SLR camera, back when I used film, mostly 35 mm Kodachrome slide film. For a decade, every slide I showed had the same annoying bit of fuzzy hair at the very top of the picture, right on the edge. I don't think anyone else ever saw it or noticed, but I knew it was there and it grated. Because this was the pre-digital era, there was no way to remove it on a computer. I never had the camera cleaned - I switched to a digital camera eventually anyway.

  4. I love that painting whatever the animal may be. I've had more outings than you in the past year, but I understand your excitement.

  5. That's not a "beaver". That's Tom Kitten's mother, care worn now - and, by virtue of age, long in the tooth. Yes, good Old Tabitha Twitchit - a name I'd die for, indeed would marry for (if my first name were Tabitha). Should I ever go into hiding I'll change my name to that most divine, by deed poll.


  6. Unusually for me, I cut myself short in answer to the many points of your post.

    As to your "frisson of anxiety". "Don't stand so close to me" (remember The Police ca 1980?) comes to mind - not the lyrics of the song, just the title. The two meter distancing rule appears to have largely gone out of the window, and I don't like it!

    Here is a little anecdote too delicious not to share: The other day, on stepping out of the house, I found an acquaintance of mine and a colleague of his outside, on their cigarette break. Let's leave aside that they work for the NHS Trust (mental health - no shit) so I suppose they need to inhale more than most. Anyway, he proudly announced he'd had the jab and so had his colleague (both in their mid fifties - rough guess). So there they were - no mask (which would have made smoking difficult), no distancing whilst I kept my two meters. When he asked me, expectantly, wide eyed, if I had had mine and I told them I was a "hesitant" so no, the woman pulled up her mask. It was like something out of a comedy sketch. She works for the NHS and has no idea on efficacy. Anyway, now I know how a leper feels. Should you never hear from me again I will have been shipped to an island far far away from this.

    Tabitha Twitchit (albeit not yet long in the tooth)

  7. We went through the process late last year and had to relearn about socialising. Now, handshakes are back, as is hugging and kissing. It does quite easily return when there is little threat. Whatever it is painted on the boat, it is quite horrible.

  8. That is a wonderful piece of art. I love the whimsy of it, but I especially love the beaver's shoes. Who knew beavers had such fabulous footwear!
    And who knew a year ago that we'd be celebrating riding the tube, or going to a pub or having even the smallest semblance of normalcy being thought of as a treat!

  9. Well, I love the little creature. I, too, think it is a beaver.
    Isn't the feeling of normalcy/abnormalcy shocking to the system? I have noticed that I am not having the dreams of realizing suddenly that I'm surrounded by unmasked people. I did dream the other night that I was addressing a group of people and in my remarks I noted that a year ago this would not have been possible. No idea what I was supposed to be talking about.
    I know it will be a huge relief for you to have your camera in such a well-restored and cleaned condition.

  10. I love the beaver! I want to know the story behind that :)

    I went out to eat at a restaurant last night for the first time in over a year (Mexican - it was FABULOUS). It was my step-mother's family's monthly get together, and at the end of the meal I realized that half the table was full of folks who hadn't been vaccinated. I was sitting at the "vaccination" end, but it sort of brought me up short. I decided that, other than worrying about the servers, I wasn't going to think too much about it. Otherwise I'd drive myself crazy.

  11. A pub outing! How great is that?! Tonight is my book club's first meeting since February of 2020. We've all been vaccinated and can finally reunite! I'm really excited and looking forward to it!

  12. I love painting. Very cool creature. Well done.
    We haven't ventured out yet into any social settings. It does sound nice to sit outside of a pub and have a pint with a friend.

  13. It feels so good to do something normal but it also is still unnerving to see people not taking precautions. The whole mask thing has been so politicized here that it is still hard to go to places like the mall without seeing way too many people unmasked. Fortunately, most businesses are still requiring masks. Glad you got to enjoy a drink at a pub. What a treat.

  14. I am meeting a few of my high school friends at a restaurant for lunch. We have been vaccinated but will have our masks handy for when we are around others. I imagine there will be much talking! Sounds like quite the adventure!

  15. Olga Fur, How About Belly Button Lent - And A Cold Brew At The Pub, Outstanding


  16. That is wonderful that you got a taste of normal. I too have enjoyed my brief forays out, but also have some anxiety if there are crowds or strangers too close to me. I don't know how long that will last.

  17. You were locked down much tighter than we were so yes it would feel great to e out.

  18. I'm still working up the courage to go in a shopping mall. I need a couple of items, and I don't like to buy them online. I guess when the bottles are empty, I'll get out there an go. Going in a Pub sounds delightful.

  19. I've begun going to grocery stores again but I still find myself avoiding eye contact with people. Odd.

  20. that will be nice to have your camera all spiffed up like new. and a pint at a pub! getting there slowly.
