Tuesday, April 20, 2021


This is part of my walk home, along the same Abbey Road made famous by the Beatles. These plantings are at the edge of a housing estate with some interesting modernist architecture, though you can't see it in this photo. That red plant is Photinia, as reader Frances helpfully informed me, and the blue one in back is Ceanothus, or California lilac.

As you can see, we're still having beautiful (but cool) weather. I didn't get to sample it yesterday because not only was I at work, I was having a crazy day. Nothing worth writing about -- just lots of tykes needing books.

Oh, and congrats to Mr. Pudding, who was the first person to correctly name yesterday's mystery object. It's a silicone cell phone mount for a bicycle, so you can attach your phone to your handlebars and be distracted while you ride around. As I said, I initially had no idea what it was, and the only way I found out was to upload the photo into Google. (Did you do that too, Mr. P?) 

This plant in the library is known as a Monstera, which I think is a terrific name. It is, in fact, a fairly monstrous plant. This one -- which has been there for at least the eight years I've worked at the school, and probably much longer -- was once so big that the maintenance workers had to trim it. I intentionally shot the photo into the sun so you get the groovy shadow pattern on the floor, which looks like a tropical print fabric.

Oh, and RIP Walter Mondale, who was the first presidential candidate I ever voted for, back in 1984. Not a very auspicious beginning, but one that would accurately predict my ability to choose winning candidates in coming years. Clinton and Obama (and now Biden) are the only presidents who won with my vote.


  1. Ha! Mondale was my first presidential vote, too. I think we're the same age -- or close. And wasn't it so exciting when Clinton and Obama won? Good memories. BTW, I love the Monstera plant -- what a perfect name.

    1. I was over the moon when Clinton won the first time. It seemed like the defeat of the Reagan agenda. Ultimately, not so much!

  2. Mondale was a good and decent man. We had a monstrous monstera in our house in Santa Barbara. They can be sculptural wonders. That California lilac is a beauty. I've only ever seen them in California, and never as grand as that.

    1. They ARE very sculptural, it's true. Ours was more impressive before the trim job, when it lost quite a few leaves.

  3. The red shrub looks like a Photinia to me. All the new build houses round here have them as a hedge!

  4. No. I did not "google" the image as you insinuated. That is a cruel thing to suggest. As for the "monstera" plant, they are commonly referred to as "swiss cheese plants" in this country and I did not "google" that either! I used to have one which I donated to my school library when it became too big. It grew to a similar size to the one in your library and then one summer the horrible new headteacher instructed that all houseplants had to be cleared out the library so the next time I looked it was gone.

    1. They do grow to be immense. Why are you insulted by Googling? I don't expect you to know everything! LOL

    2. Googling can be like cheating in certain situations - such as pub quizzes.

  5. I am pleased you have voted correctly in US elections. Did you know monsteras produce an edible fruit, but I've no idea what it is like.

  6. The full name of at least one species of your library plant is Monstera deliciosa, which is think is a wonderfully evocative and "delicious" name. And the fruit of the Monstera deliciosa is equally delicious, but you do have to be patient and chip out each segment one at a time as they ripen from end of the fruit to the other. Wildly tropical flavour, and if you wait until each segment is fully ripe, very sweet, with a hint of tartness. Complicated fruit.

  7. Mondale was a good decent guy, which may explain his loss, sadly.
    I clicked the link to that housing estate and realized I'd seen it in many English films over the years. Interesting architecture.

  8. The picture of the Monstera is fabulous! Shadows and light, indeed.
    And the California lilac seems to thrive in that particular geographic location, so far away from its named home.
    For some reason, Mondale's death has left me completely flat. I can barely remember him.

  9. I'm pretty sure Mondale was MY first presidential vote too! I was pretty bummed - ha! He apparently sent out a really nice letter to all his former associates, etc. just the other day, thanking them for working with him.

  10. I'm tending towards a monstera, known as split leaf philodendron, for that big pot I acquired. and I have red tip photinias across the front of the house and one on the side. I've always voted democrat though I'm registered as an independant. I can't remember who my first presidential vote was for. I've voted in every presidential election though so I suppose I could count back but I'm too lazy.

  11. Well, at least you can say you voted on the side of humanity, although I have to say, Trump has certainly done a lot to rehabilitate George W. Bush's image in comparison, not his acts, which I still think helped erode our stability and security, but his basic humanity--at least he had that. Oops, didnt mean to veer into politics!

  12. I love knowing that Mondale was your first Presidential vote. The first vote for President I ever cast was for George McGovern in 1972. I was registered to vote in Southern California, but had moved to Oregon for a short while. So, I flew home to vote. It was that important to me.
    Beautiful sunshiny day you had there. Love the view and the monstera shadow.

  13. That garden on Abbey Road looks so lush and pretty. I'd enjoy walking near it.

  14. You've voted for the same people I have! I can't do indoor plants, so I am impressed by that huge monstera.

  15. I like the bright blue sky and lush plants in your photo! We may have a dusting of snow today?!! Goofy!
    I voted for those people also! I wonder what our country would be like if Mondale had won?

  16. Why you're a Democrat! You really are!

  17. I didn't know Mondale died! He outlived his opponent in the presidential election by many years. I Google stuff I don't know all the time. Doesn't bother me if the world knows it. Abbey Road looks so pretty. I've never been able to walk to a job.


  18. Your voting record is exactly like mine!

  19. I'm a Democrat too. I feel like it's important to put that out into the world right now.
