Thursday, April 29, 2021

Potpourri with Bathing Beauty

Here are some random iPhone pictures that I've collected over the past few weeks!

First, you may remember the bathing beauty on our street. She began to fall apart and then her head disappeared; but now she has a new one, complete with bathing cap! Unfortunately it seems to be located a bit too far from her legs.

Someone's driveway has grown quite jungly.

Thoughts of love for passers-by in Hampstead.

Someone must have gone to a climate march, and then put their sign out for the trash collectors.

Dave and I were watching an episode of Perry Mason not too long ago when this woman appeared on the stand in the courtoom. What a getup! The character worked in a gallery so I guess she was supposed to be artsy. To make matters even more peculiar, her name was Cho Sin and I think she was supposed to be Asian. The actress is Allison Hayes, better known to us all from "The Attack of the 50-Foot Woman."

I think this is another Covid hoax sticker, although it's so subtle I'm not sure. At least it's somewhat artistic.

Our amaryllis flowers have finally opened.

Lastly, I shot this on the way to work yesterday -- the pink trees on the adjacent campus of one of the state schools (we in the USA would say "public," but a public school in England is something else entirely).  They also have lots of ping-pong tables. I wonder if the kids use them?


  1. The kids will only play ping pong if they have balls. The importance of having balls cannot be understated.

    1. We should not assume balls are absent, even if they're not visible.

  2. That woman in the bath has a very long trunk.
    The discarded sign slogan is a good pun on Trump's statement.
    I wasn't sure about the COVID sign until I read at the top, Dr Hokes.
    Public schools as used in England is silly, as is our conservative political party being called the Liberals.

    1. Yeah, "Dr. Hokes" was my clue, too. It's not a very obvious sticker in terms of its meaning, though.

  3. We have someone here who displays a toilet in their yard with a pair of legs sticking from the bowl and flowers planted in the tank. Spme years back, the legs were stolen and he reported it to the police. It made the local paper.

    I'd forgotten about him until I saw 'your' lady in the bathtub. It made me wonder if he was so outraged by crime in America that he packed up and moved to your neck of the woods.

    1. Ha! Our neighbor has several odd artifacts and figurines in her garden, and occasionally one goes missing and she'll put up a sign: "Please bring back my rabbit."

  4. I love the lady in tub, maybe she just has a really long torso:) I'm so tired of stupid people and their covid hoax crap. God save us from stupid people.

    The trees are lovely.

    1. I agree -- I find the hoax stuff very frustrating. But you know, if people don't want to get vaccinated to protect themselves, that really IS Darwin at work.

  5. The lady in the tub gives a new meaning to the fashion term long-waisted. Or perhaps it should be long wasted...

  6. I love those pink trees! It still seems crazy to me that brown people on TV & in movies were so often portrayed by white people.

    1. I know! Was it that hard to find actors of the proper race or ethnicity? I doubt it.

  7. The woman from Attack of the 50 Foot woman is in that tub, no?

    And I like the idea of making the world Greta again!

    We're off for our vaccines today! Woo hoo!

    1. Woo hoo! And yes, I like the "Greta" sign too. Clever!

  8. I, like Bob, thought that perhaps that was the fifty-foot woman in the tub. That's hysterical! Someone take that lady a towel!
    Or a trowel.

  9. How unique to use the tub for a planter. And with a bather, no less. Your Amaryllis is beautiful. Mine aren't doing anything right now. I love the idea of the ping pong tables outdoors for folks to use. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Our amaryllis are struggling a bit but at least they produced some flowers.

  10. Oh my, that bathing beauty has been stretched to the max! That is quite the outfit on the woman on Perry Mason. A fun selection of photos!

  11. Love that lady in the tub. I went and looked at the earlier photo from 2015, and yes, I see that this new lady is much longer.
    Great collection of photos there.

    1. She had shoes back in 2015, but those are gone now, too!

  12. Your phone camera has seen some heavy use this week. You pick up some interesting sights in your neighborhood.

    1. Yeah, my phone camera is getting a lot of use!

  13. There is definitely something wrong with that woman! :) Love your amaryllis and the flowering trees. I used to enjoy ping pong, although I haven't played for a long time.

    1. I haven't played ping pong in ages. Since childhood, probably.

  14. That hat on the woman is quite the fashion statement. The collar framing her face is another nice touch.

    1. I can just imagine the costume designer trying to come up with something Asian-looking. Lord!

  15. Bathtub lady - too funny! Don't you want to rearrange her parts when you walk by so she is better proportioned?
    Cho Sin - geez, we were idiots when it came to portraying Asians - like Charlie Chan - why didn't we just use actual Asians?

    1. I know! It couldn't have been hard to find capable Asian actors. Miyoshi Umeki won an Oscar way back in the '50s, after all.

  16. That lady in the tub may be the woman from the "..50 Foot Woman" movie! Love your Amaryllis blooms.

  17. Ah, yes, The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman--just watched that yesterday. Much better than Nomadland. How did that one not win scads of awards?

