Tuesday, January 14, 2020

From Lava Lamps to Bathing Beauties

Time to offload another set of random photos from my trusty iPhone!

First, someone on our street appears to have a groovy purple lamp. A lava lamp, maybe.

The world's most expensive trash bag.

A mini-poll on current affairs scrawled on a bus stop near school. I admire someone's curiosity, but this seems like an ineffective way to ask the question.

Some fox graffiti on a brick path where I walk Olga. And not far away...

...a pull-chain loo, with functioning drain!

Sky TV always has interesting, colorful service vans.

Willa Cather wrote "O Pioneers!" Perhaps "Pedestrians O" is the sequel.

When I went to the panto on Saturday night, I walked through the nearby Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens, a modest park with some sparkly lighting.

And finally, the Bathing Beauty down the street has lost her head! Only her purple bathing cap remains, along with her disjointed limbs. A mystery!


  1. The toilet on the wall over the drain made me laugh....(.stopped me crying for Pat and Tess for a moment)

  2. Quirky pics as the world now expects from The King of Quirk.

  3. iPhone pictures. My favorite.
    Where oh where is that lady's head?

  4. Where oh where is that lady's head?
    Under the mattress of Steve and Dave's bed.

  5. Wonderful photos. Love that old tub garden.

  6. Another fun set of photos. I love the shot of your street at night. It looks very alive! Too bad about the bathing lady's head. Just when you thought your neighborhood was safe, a dismemberment just down the street.

  7. Your phone contained some treasures.

  8. I have to agree, you have some treasures on your phone. I love these random photos. That night shot of your street is beautiful. The most expensive trash bag made me laugh. I've never seen one, let alone been able to put it out full of trash. hahaha. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

    And yes, I agree that we all believe that we grew up in the best time. And that's good.

  9. Um, that bathing beauty is a tad creepy. Beautiful purples in these photos!

  10. Seeing that pull chain loo graffiti reminded me of when we had one. When the low flush loo was fitted I was reaching up for the chain for ages before I got used to it. lol

  11. Are pull chain loos still in existence? I've never seen one (nor used one - obviously, I guess) and didn't even recognize what that drawing was. Good thing you identified it :)

    Great selection; a little of everything, just like a buffet!

  12. Frances: Who are Pat and Tess, and why are they making you cry??

    YP: A title I embrace enthusiastically!

    Ms Moon: It's a mystery! I wonder if someone stole it. (I swear it wasn't me.)

    Robin: I could do without the tub, actually. I keep hoping she'll remove it.

    Sharon: We love our 'hood, dismemberments and all!

    Ellen: Thank you!

    Red: An iPhone camera is about the most convenient thing ever invented.

    Edna: I'd never seen a Gucci bag either and it was BEAUTIFUL. I would have saved it but it was already full of someone's trash. :/

    Catalyst: Thanks!

    Comox: Thanks again!

    37P: Yes, I agree. She's been creepy from the beginning, and now she's even more so.

    Briony: Ha! Body memory, as they say!

    Jenny-O: I haven't seen one for a while, but I suspect they're still around in older dwellings.

  13. Pat is the blogger at The Weaver of Grass, and Tess is her little dog who had to be put down the other day. Very sad!
