Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Heron, Three Ways

When I was at the Heath on Sunday, I came across this grey heron sitting on a branch above one of the ponds. I got to photograph it from different angles as I walked.

I think it was just hanging out and enjoying the sun, like I was!

According to Wikipedia, 400 roasted herons were served to guests when the new Archbishop of York was installed in 1465. Good Lord! And also, yuck. I bet a heron is a gamey bird.


  1. I should think that heron is a fishy bird!
    Lovely shots of a patient bird

  2. Beautiful photos but I don't think I would eat herons either.

  3. GZ: Fishy, yes! Does that count as gamey?

    E: I'd have to be pretty hungry!

  4. With the reflections, maybe your title could be "A Heron, FIVE ways"! Those captures are wonderful.

  5. London's herons have got attitude. They are far less skittish than herons I occasionally encounter here in the barbarian lands of Up North. Perhaps they think that I look like The Archbishop of York!

  6. It boggles my mind to think of herons in London but there you go!
    The thought of eating one turns my stomach but dietary habits are probably extremely culturally based.

  7. Love seeing the herons there. The photo with reflection is beautiful. I think people will pretty much eat anything.

  8. Their taste must have been very different 500 years ago.

  9. Beautiful birds. It never would have occurred to me that anyone would eat one.

  10. that's a great blue heron. I imagine people ate whatever they could catch 500 years ago. and they were probably more plentiful back then too.

  11. wonderful shots! Herons are good sports and will hold still for long minutes at a time. There is a heron sanctuary just down the street. we are asked to NOT harass them.,especially when the babies are still in the nests, birders are respectful but tourists are not.

  12. Love those photos, especially the last one with the reflection.

  13. It's a beautiful bird. I love the photos. The last shot with the reflection is awesome. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  14. Beautiful bird. And well spotted and photographed.

  15. Herons are plentiful where I lived in California. We were under a major fly zone and had a great piece of wetlands set aside for the birds. Always a great place to photograph. I like these photos very much, especially the silhouette. As for eating those birds, I think not.

  16. I like the Algonquin legends about herons. They always look as though they know a wonderful secret. We have a wonderful bird refuge south of here on the Idaho border. Red Rocks Lake Nation Wildlife Refuge. If you ever get to Montana, don't fail to see this fabulous place.
