Sunday, January 30, 2022

A Walk and a Movie

As you can see, we had actual sunshine yesterday -- so I seized the opportunity to walk another link in the Green Chain.

My walk took me through south London from Falconwood to Mottingham -- but first, as always, I had to get down there, which saw me sitting on a platform at the London Bridge train station (above), waiting for the train southward.

This was a rather strange route. After getting off the train in Falconwood, I had to walk some distance to the beginning, and then turn right around and walk back past the Falconwood station. The same thing happened at the end -- I passed the Mottingham train station, finished the route, and had to return to the station. Why don't the routes just begin and end at the train stations?

I walked along a wooded path known as Gravel Pit Lane (above)...

...which took me to Avery Hill Park. My map made much of the greenhouse known as the Winter Garden, "the best surviving example in London of such a steel and glass Victorian extravaganza." So I made a detour to see it -- and of course it's covered in scaffolding and closed for construction.

I could see some of the exotic greenery inside, pressed against the windows like it wanted to escape. (It was still green, though, so someone's apparently caring for it!)

I came across an unusual Covid memorial in Southwood Park, bearing the names of several people who had died. (The sun was really working against me for this photo!)

I then walked to an area known as The Tarn, a pond surrounded by gardens and inhabited by ducks, geese, coots and this pugilistic squirrel. Doesn't it look like it wants to punch me?

From there the path took me to the top of a high, windy ridge, where it joined a section of the walk I'd completed a few weeks ago. I could clearly see the big broadcasting tower at Crystal Palace not too far away.

I turned around and went back to the station, and took a train into London for my second adventure of the day. Although I've been telling Dave that I'm losing my enthusiasm for seeing movies in a cinema, I decided to go see Paul Thomas Anderson's latest film, "Licorice Pizza." It's a coming-of-age movie set in Los Angeles in the 1970s, which sounds right up my alley, and I've loved several of Anderson's previous films like "Boogie Nights," "Magnolia" and "Punch Drunk Love."

(Dave was not at all interested.)

The movie was showing in Leicester Square, which is pretty much the epicenter for entertainment in the West End. And let me tell you, London is open again. You would never know there's a pandemic going on except for the appearance of the occasional mask. The square was packed and the movie theater itself was completely full -- though it was also tiny, with just 23 seats. (I counted them.)

I grabbed lunch before the picture and ate it in the square, watching families with screaming children queued up at the Lego and M&M stores. The kids above seemed intrigued but perhaps also terrified by that gigantic panda. Those claws!

The movie was good, a dryly funny, nostalgic ramble through the '70s featuring lots of great music like this song, which I had completely forgotten but now I can't stop singing.

After the film I made my way through Piccadilly Circus -- again, mobs of people, including the pro-Assange protesters above -- and took a fairly packed tube train home.

I really needed a relatively normal day out, so it felt good to be active and see some sights!


  1. I could use a day like that. Sounds like so much fun.

    1. But you get out and walk all the time! Your days ARE like that!

    2. I like these Green Chain walks that take you to unexpected places. I suppose I could train into Málaga and do something similar.

  2. I love the innocent yet mischievous body language of Chris Norman & Suzi Quatro as they sing that familiar song. By the way, is that a real panda? It could do some damage rampaging around Leicester Square.

    1. They look like they're completely aware how silly it is that they're standing on a stage poorly lip-synching!

  3. An interesting enough walk. I remember the song, but not who performed it. Quatro I know of course but not Norman. Not too shabby back then.

    1. Yeah, I didn't remember who performed it either!

  4. I saw the trailers for the movie and couldn’t get excited

    1. If you like his other movies I'd recommend giving it a chance. I enjoyed it.

  5. Stumbling In , Like WoW - Excellent Post Today - Also, How Was Your Presentation?? Anyone Record It?? What Did You Learn And What Will You Change?? Enjoy The Rest Of The Weekend


    1. No one recorded it, alas! But it went fine. :)

  6. Love the song ... You can understand all the words! Chris Norman ... Wow! So handsome ... The gravelly voice was a surprise! Don't recall that ... Shades of Rod Stewart!

    1. I don't remember him at all. I think this was his one hit in the USA.

  7. Wow! What a perfect mind and body restoring day! And I'm so glad that pugilistic squirrel didn't punch you because obviously he wanted nothing more than to do so.

  8. Isn't funny that we find ourselves so cheered by a NORMAL day? Glad you had one!

    1. It's true -- it felt so good to just get out and about. (Although I was wearing a mask on public transport and in the theater!)

  9. Love the parka fur lit up in the sunshine.
    The squirrel looks like a bottle bush squirrel that I have holding a Queen E. hand bag- though your has lost the handbag.
    Susi Quatro, such a darling pip! Now I have the ear worm as well.Thanks.

    1. That parka fur is exactly what prompted me to take the photo!

  10. Glad the weather cooperated for your long hike. I wait for movies to come to Netflix so I can watch with captions. The joys of getting old!?!

  11. Nice walk, Steve. That squirrel does look like it wants to punch you. I think it didn't want its photo taken.
    You really did have a busy day there. It surprised me to see that Julian Assange march. I had completely forgotten about him.

    1. He's still big news over here because the courts have ruled he can be extradited to the United States, and his attorneys are fighting it tooth and nail.

  12. At the time, disco appalled me - I was more into rock and prog rock and don't forget Joni Mitchell, etc. But I appreciate disco more these days.
    Nice to the sun in your photos.

    1. I always liked disco, but I'm not sure I'd even call this song disco (despite the big "DISCO" sign behind the performers). I think it's just pop!

      The song came out in 1978 but the movie took place in 1973 or thereabouts -- so the timelines weren't quite coordinated.

    2. You're right - pop not disco!

  13. Piccadilly Circus! One day I'll post the photos I have of my brother and me with seeds in our hands, pidgeons swarming around my brother's seeds, and me looking at him enviously with not a bird giving me the time of day. I was 5. It's such an indelible memory that just your mention of the name took me right back there. The curtain really came up on my memories the year we lived in London when I was a child. I'm realizing this more and more.

    1. I would love to see that photo! Post it and I'll shoot an equivalent shot from the same perspective to show you how it's changed (or not)!

  14. Sounds like a good day out and about...a long walk, lunch, and a movie. I think the country is edging closer and closer to what we remember as 'normal'.

  15. Okay.... thanks for that ear worm. 🙄 I think the only Anderson film I've seen is Boogie Nights, which I loved. Talk about a GREAT soundtrack!

    I love the pose on the squirrel.

    1. Check out "Magnolia," which remains one of my favorite movies.

  16. That was a full day. Interesting to see scenes of Piccadilly circus as just a place people go to, rather than the obligatory visit we made on rare visits to London.

    I wonder if the designers of the green chain didn't want to cater to the railroads? It looks like a bit of nyanya on their part to make you double back twice!

    1. Because it's a "chain" they're trying to link the segments, and sometimes that means backtracking to an earlier path. But in my mind the segments don't have to literally touch. (I suppose I could just skip the backtracking part but then I couldn't say I'd walked the whole thing!)

  17. Obviously, I've missed my chance to see London without so many tourists. :-). It's the same here, you wouldn't know there is still a very serious pandemic going on.
    That squirrel made me laugh. It does look like it would like to punch you. That Victorian extravaganza looks beautiful. You might have to make a trip back when the work is done to check it out.
    I've read at least two reviews of that movie and it's getting some good comments.

    1. At least for the time being it seems like the crowds are back. Until the next variant pops up, anyway!

  18. I really enjoyed watching and listening to the video. Thank you. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Glad you liked it! The lip-synching is so awkward! LOL

  19. What was the name of the program about the young guy with CP that you mentioned a while ago??

  20. Happy for your normal day. I'm not sure what one is for me these days. I do miss going to the movies!

    1. I don't miss the expense! I paid £15.50 for my ticket, which seems insane.

  21. I have major big city living envy.

    1. It IS nice to be able to get on public transport and go have an adventure.

  22. Stumblin' In! I love that song and I never did know who sang it.

    1. If I ever knew, I forgot! I had to look it up when I got home!

  23. I think my movie theater days are over and have been for awhile. I have never been much of a person to seek close physical contact with the masses which has served me well during this pandemic. I just don't enjoy all the cell phone backlighting, coughing, unwrapping individually wrapped candies and people standing up in front all the time to answer a phonecall or get more candy. I just wait for the DVD and enjoy it at home without all that.

    But I do make an exception for musicals and plays which really don't have any substitutes on DVD. But I will probably be the one person wearing a mask for the foreseeable future.
