Thursday, January 20, 2022

Video Star

Another busy day yesterday, with my Newbery project once again taking up a lot of my mental energy. The school wanted to make a video of me talking about it to post on social media, and to promote my blog of all the reviews. So I set up a little display of some of the Newbery books as a backdrop, and we wrote a very short script (they didn't want the video to be any longer than a minute). The Facebook video is here. (I'm not sure it's public.)

The script was uploaded onto an iPhone that was positioned next to the camera as a little teleprompter. I've never read from a teleprompter in my life, so it took some getting used to, but after a few bungled takes and adjustments I made it through OK. Whew! And then, of course, we had to re-set the library shelves.

I'm glad the reviews are getting some attention, though. For a long time I was writing them with the certainty that absolutely NO ONE was reading them -- and now, perhaps, people are. Which makes me paranoid on a whole 'nother level. Did I mention everything I needed to mention? Was I fair? Was I wrong?

I also offered to go speak to the Middle School English classes about the project, so I imagine that will happen at some point.

Otherwise, it's life as usual around here. My Covid tests are still negative, knock on wood!

(Photo: A lost toy I found perched on a fence on my most recent Green Chain walk.)


  1. Does the job title "Library Circulation Assistant" mean that you specialise in blood flow? I thought that would be a concern of healthcare professionals.

    Speaking to classes of children about your reading marathon will hopefully sow seeds in some pupils' minds - that reading is cool, it's enriching and it's also something that males can enjoy as well as females.

    1. I'm always careful to call myself a "circulation assistant" because I am technically not a librarian. I haven't studied library science and I am not faculty (unlike my boss and one of my co-workers who ARE "librarians").

      And yes, I hope talking to the kids about reading will help inspire them -- and find an audience for some of these older books.

  2. I would be so worried about grammar, spelling and phrasing if I wrote a script, let alone speaking.

    Nice shirt. I'll listen later with sound on.

  3. Congratulations on a great project completed. Excellent video. You should have been in front of the camera instead of on the news desk!

    1. Oh, Lord. I do not have a "TV face." But maybe I could have done radio. :)

  4. You amaze, always.
    The little video clip is perfect, a natural very nice voice. I have a collection of tiny toy trucks so that little yellow one caught my heart. Sweet photo!

    1. I left it on the fence in case its owner comes back!

  5. I liked the video. You got a lot of information into that short time without making it too much. Plus, you make the books sound interesting and that's a good thing.

  6. You're famous!

    I liked the video too and it was so nice to see you and to hear your voice. Congrats on finishing what you set out to do. I'm pretty sure I would have given up once I hit a bad book.

    1. Like Andy Warhol said, we'll all be famous for fifteen minutes.

  7. I loved the video, which I already told you on FB.

  8. I read Johnny Tremain I think in 6th grade in one evening. I then spent the next quarter year having to reread the chapter being assigned in my reading class at school so that I could answer the questions on the quizzes appropriately. I didn't mind as that was one of my favorite books during that time in my life.

    1. I read it as a kid too, and it was also one of my favorites. It doesn't get checked out much these days but I'm trying to change that!

  9. I just realized who you kind of remind me of ... Robin Gibbs of the Bee Gees ... I just watched your video, of course, he had hair! LOL

    1. Interesting! I could see that, I guess, although it's hard to look past the lack of hair. I used to get told I look like Michael Stipe from REM.

  10. I saw the video on FB! It was terrific, Steve. I'm glad you're getting some recognition for your incredible effort. I mean- really!
    Oh, how Levon would love that tiny truck. The other day at the park he found a very, very small bit off a toy truck, brought it over to my house where he immediately found what he was looking for-another toy truck- and had us glue the piece he'd found onto the truck here. It was perfect!

    1. I thought of Levon when I found it, of course. I even considered picking it up for him, but then I thought of some Levon-like boy here going back to find his truck and having it gone, and I didn't want to be responsible for that.

  11. That video is wonderful, Steve! And your Newbery reviews are really great. You put a lot of time into the website and I am sure that teachers and students will use it a lot. I am really impressed by the way you completed this project! Thank you so much for encouraging reading!

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words! As I said, I learned a lot from the whole project.

  12. The video is wonderful, Steve. I watched it on Facebook and just seeing you with all those book made me realize how much of an undertaking it was to read all the Newberry award winners. Well done! You're a star!

    1. And the ones you see on those shelves behind me are only about a third of them. I couldn't display them all!

  13. I am so pleased to hear that your Newbery project is getting the attention it deserves. That was quite an undertaking to read all those books and write a review for each. The video is great and very professional looking. Well done!

    1. I am very glad that we're generating some traffic for all the reviews.

  14. Your video was great. I had to look at all of these books. I've read just four of them. I'm going to have toe read some more of them. Mr Reed made me do it!

    1. Excellent! That's the goal -- to get people reading them!

  15. Great video presentation - it seemed totally unprompted and like you were simply talking to us. Kudos!

    1. Oh, good. I'm glad it didn't seem too stiff and rehearsed.

  16. That was excellent, Steve! Short, but plenty of information. And it did make me want to check out the ones you really approved. Yes, the video was available to non Facebook accounts.

    Also thank you for leaving the truck in case the owner returns for it

    1. I'm glad everyone could see that video. But I guess that's the whole point -- ASL wants to generate public traffic to the web site and the school. (Using MY FACE -- Lord!)

  17. I'm glad your tests are still negative. You took on quite an impressive project and finished it. Congratulations! (reading all those books) Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

    1. Thanks, Edna! The whole project was quite a learning experience.

  18. They just wanted a video that lasted for a minute??? Unbelievable but you were very impressive Mr. Reed! My son and I watched you on Facebook and he said "Better him reading all of those books than me." But we both laughed at the Astonishingly bad! All joking aside it is a wonderful achievement and you looked very handsome and well spoken.

    It's cold and blustery here today. I am on my way for a cup of coffee. Have a great day! xx

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the kind words. :)

  19. The website is really cool. I love the buttons so one does not have to scroll through all of the covers. You put a lot of thought and organization into that website and it shows.

    1. I can't take credit for the site design -- that belongs to my colleagues in the advancement office. I'm only responsible for the content! But thanks. :)

  20. Aha ... now I understand better your dedication to finishing every book. I hadn't realized the finished project was going to be official. Well done on all the reading, and on the video. You have a great voice and comfortable presence in front of the camera! I hope you've inspired kids to pick up books they might have otherwise missed.

    1. Although I initiated the project it was always meant to be shared with the school community. I think the school didn't promote it too much at the beginning because they wanted to make sure I'd finish!

  21. What a great little video! It should inspire lots of folks (maybe not just kids) to read more of these. Even the contrarians might be inspired to see what they think of those you didn't like.

    I bet someone is really missing that little dump truck.

    1. A lot of these books would be perfectly suitable for adult readers. In fact some of them were originally written for adults. "Rifles for Watie," for example, was never meant to be a kids' book, per se. It just happens to have a teenage protagonist.

  22. I look forward to watching the video. It's fun to see bloggers in real live action!

  23. That video was great! I think your teleprompt skills are excellent (when I saw it yesterday I wondered if you had memorized your spiel - ha!).

    1. Good! I'm glad it's not obvious that I'm being prompted! (I did pretty much memorize it but the teleprompter helped me keep it smooth.)

  24. Like others I think the video first rate. You've got real presence and come across as a natural presenter and communicator - better than some of the robots that get paid to do that kind of thing full time. Next - the Shadows and Light Vlog?

    1. TV presenters are unfortunately often hired for reasons other than their ability to present!

  25. I know you're American. I really do. But for some reason when I read your blog I hear an English accent. Now I shall read it in your accent. Great video.

    1. Funny! My friends in the states often ask me why I haven't developed an English accent living here. But I suppose you never really lose the speech patterns you develop as a child.

  26. You did such a great job, Steve! The video is wonderful. And I loved hearing your voice and seeing you in 2-D. I'll have to go check out your review site. Somehow I missed that you were reviewing each book. What an undertaking. Bravo!

    1. Well, the reviews are VERY short. Don't expect much! LOL
