Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Challenge Complete!

While I was walking on Sunday I crossed a footbridge adorned with some very bad graffiti. I was intrigued by this little alien, and at first thought "Kevin" had written his name...but when I got home and processed the photo I realized it actually says "No Expectations." What that has to do with an alien, I'm not sure.

In addition to my walk on Sunday, I finally, FINALLY, finished my last Newbery book. Woo hoo! After eighteen months of reading 100 books -- I started the project two years ago, but I took a roughly six-month break during our first lockdown and over that summer -- it's a HUGE relief. Just think -- now I can read what I want! What a concept!

Yesterday I updated my Newbery blog on the school web site and drafted a final wrap-up post, which I'll put up today or tomorrow. I also tried to clean up and standardize the post tags, which took forever and they're still a mess, but it's progress.

My boss's husband hasn't been feeling well and tested positive for Covid over the weekend, and then yesterday my boss came to work even though she wasn't feeling great. My co-worker and I basically ordered her to go home. I feel a little bad about how harsh we were but I also think our demands were warranted. My boss argued that her own test was negative, but I think if you've had a close contact (a very close contact, in this case) and you're symptomatic, then staying home makes sense regardless of the test.

We'll see what happens today! To quote the alien graffiti, I have no expectations.

(I just took a test myself and I'm still negative, knock on wood.)


  1. You had every right to be harsh. Irresponsible, I think, of your boss.

    Glad you pointed out the other letters. I thought it was XEVIN.

    1. Well, I think there's a kind of denial among some people who might be infected. They think, "I'm vaccinated, and I'm testing negative, and this could be anything. Plus I have a lot to do at work." Which may all be true, BUT...

  2. I agree with Mitchell above. I hope you, your co worker and anyone else with whom your boss was in contact will stay well.

    1. Fingers crossed! Of course I'm in contact with dozens of people every day, so risk is just a fact of life.

  3. Congratulations on reading ALL of the Newbery prizewinners. This is a hell of an achievement and one that entitles you to feel a genuine sense of pride.

    P.S. Your boss made a big mistake there - potentially endangering other people's lives.

    1. I'm surprised she came in but I don't mean to demonize her. As I said above, I think she was sort of in denial. She has promised to keep testing and to stay home until her symptoms pass.

  4. You and your co-worker did the right thing. And I'm so happy for you that you finished your Newbery project, and now you can read what you want.

  5. I'd like to see the person whose mind created that graffiti.

    Your boss was somewhat foolish coming into work after her husband became ill; that's rule one! Stay home.

    1. I suspect there may have been some marijuana involved. (With the graffiti I mean, not my boss!)

  6. I had a COVID scare this last weekend myself. I woke up at 2:00 AM with a cough and slightly sore throat. My immediate thought was the dreaded COVID. I got up and used my standby cold remedy, Zicam. I took it again around 8:00 AM but I could feel that something was wrong. I finally took a COVID test around 2:00 in the afternoon and thankfully it was negative. By evening I was feeling much better. However, I did skip an event with friends on Saturday evening. It was disappointing to miss the event but I figured it was the safe thing to do.

    1. Better safe than sorry, as they say! If I were feeling ill I think I'd stay home regardless of what my tests said.

  7. I will be the first to admit that I do not understand the whole graffiti thing. But I like those little cats. Are they in love, do you suppose?
    Here's another thing I'm wondering- are you the first person to read ALL of the Newberry's? You could be, you know. Call Ripley's and find out! Or, e-mail them.
    Congratulations! You did it!
    And no, you were not too harsh. Jesus. What stupidity to come to work sick with anything these days.

    1. No, I'm not the first. On Goodreads and on other blogs you'll find plenty of people who are doing the same thing. I think it's a popular challenge among school librarians, particularly! The chief barrier is that some of the less popular books aren't that easy to get anymore.

  8. I'm not sure I understand the mentality of some people. Omicron is HIGHLY transmissive and yet they think just because someone in their home has it and they have no or very "little" symptoms that it is okay to go wandering about, and where I live add unmasked to the list of their transgressions. If anyone in my family had it, I would quarantine myself just as a precaution.

    1. I agree, but here, the government has been complicit in that confusion by NOT requiring people to isolate if they have a positive close contact. I think they're trying to keep schools open and the economy going.

  9. Your boss definitely should have stayed home. It takes a while to test positive after exposure to covid. This is why the virus keeps spreading. Oy.
    Congratulations on your Newberry accomplishment. Well done, Steve. Now I'm looking forward to what you read by choice.
    Take care there and stay safe.

    1. I have some other books waiting but I can't quite bring myself to start one right away! LOL

  10. What a relief to be done with such a big, long project. And yeah, your boss had no business coming in to work. Over here graffiti is quickly painted over but litter is a big problem. When I was in Portugal you didn't see a single bit of litter on the ground but in Lisbon there was graffiti everywhere and no one seemed the least concerned about it.

    1. A lot of the graffiti in Lisbon was quite artistic, as I recall. I don't mind artistic graffiti -- or even tagging if it's done well -- but I'm not crazy about clumsy tagging.

  11. Could we get a link to your Newberry blog? As a librarian (now retired) I would be interested in your take on some of the books. I think I have read about half but skipped those I didn't find interesting.

    1. There's a link above, actually -- click on the highlighted words "my Newbery blog" and that should take you there.

  12. Congratulations on reading all of the Newbery's! Your Newbery page is fantastic and I was glad to read your recap of each book. I have read so many of those books myself but couldn't always remember them and your synopsis sure helps! Now I want to read some of them again! Did many or any students join you in this quest to read them?

    1. I don't think any students joined in the reading but several of them followed my progress and would stop by periodically to ask how it was going. I HAVE had a few colleagues say they might try it, though.

  13. where's your bosses head if she came to school?

    1. I think she was thinking more about the work she had to do, and didn't look at the situation rationally.

  14. Congrats On The Reads - Well Done

    P.S. Please Slip A Just Because Treat Under The Pink Blanket From Uncle T

    1. I will specifically mention your name when I give it to her. :)

  15. Good job on completing your Newberry Challenge!
    The thing about covid tests is that you may test negative for the first few days you actually have it! That is why I stayed masked and distance from Dennis for 3 days after traveling AND then took a covid test even though I had not knowingly been exposed. The only time a covid test actually means anything is when it is positive!
    And finally - kitty love! thanks for sharing.

    1. Yeah, I've heard that the tests can be negative for a while. And then, on the flip side, there are people who test positive with no symptoms at all. I think anyone who feels unwell needs to stay home no matter what. I mean, even if it's just a cold, no one else wants it!

  16. Excellent work on reading all the Newberry winners! What a great project for a school librarian (especially because this was your own project and not a required one). Writing commentaries on each book on the school website is pretty special.

    PS - I agree with you on sending the boss home.

    1. It was a fun project, although a challenging one. At least I know more about all these books and can recommend them now. (Or not!)

  17. Woohoo on that huge achievement! I like the little alien even if he (she?) doesn't really make sense. And I hope your potential exposure doesn't "get" you!

  18. That is a huge accomplishment! I'm not much of a reading goal setter; I finish my Book Club book then any pleasure reading I have. My librarian friend, in spite of being retired, still sets herself all sorts of challenges and sits on several judging panels for YA awards. The boss should never have come to work in the first place. It sounds like it's easy to get tests there. Not so much here.

    1. I guess it's in the nature of librarians to challenge themselves with reading projects! I've also told myself I will read a Dickens novel every year, but I skipped last year to get the Newbery done.

  19. Thanks for sending that person home. That's just crazy for an exposed person, who doesn't feel well, to come in to work. People!

  20. Definitely not an overreaction to someone not feeling well. I'm surprised that person even came in at all. My daughter sends her 2 toddlers over to my house and after she leaves I discover they are running nosed sneezers! Yuck!

    1. Well, toddlers are perpetually runny-nosed sneezers, aren't they? LOL

  21. Cheers for completing that challenge! You are a dedicated librarian.
    Seriously, a person in direct contact to someone with covid comes to work????

    1. If she were negative and not symptomatic, even with a close contact, I wouldn't have freaked out. But to have a contact AND have symptoms demands isolation, even if your test is negative, I think -- because as others have said above it can take a while for the test to turn positive.

  22. Your demands were warranted. My cousin's husband had mild "cold" symptoms and home tested for four days before his positive came back. But contagious during symptoms, I guess. So, smart move on your part. And well done on the Newberry's. I know you had some wonderful reading in that group!

    1. Four days! Wow. These tests are not the best, are they?!

  23. Good work on getting the Newberrys done! If I were the editor of American Libraries Magazine, I'want you to write about Lessons Learned or your To 10 Newberrys, or Newberrys To Avoid at All Costs. Write it up!

    1. I actually DO have a wrap-up listing best and worst that I'm going to post to the school blog (which is linked in my post). Stay tuned!

  24. Congrats on finishing the Newberry winners! So what challenge will you take on next? Perhaps you should make up a list and join the Classics Club. :D

    I like all three photos. (especially the last, if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing)

    1. I'm not sure what you're seeing -- LOL -- to me it looks like an M&M giving us the High Five.

  25. We have no symptoms and are vaccinated and boosted but I just ordered the four free at-home tests from the government. We've never been tested but I figured, hey the price is right. As for reading, I'm wading my way through "Gastro Obscura", a tome for foodies, and have "Hamnet" waiting for me. Judy read it and said it was very sad. I'm not sure I want to be sad so I'm thinking about it. I got sad last night when the Arizona Cardinals bombed out in their first playoff game in years. So it goes.

    1. It's wise to have some tests handy just in case you DO get exposed.

  26. Well done you for taking on the Newberry challenge. You will be a great resource for your students.
    Please stay well and continue to forbid the possible Covideers to be anywhere near you.
    I do love the kitty faces.

    1. The problem is you can't always tell the "Covideers" from everyone else. I wish I could forbid everyone from being near me. Except Olga. LOL

  27. when negative is a good thing- a positive one might say. Stay well , there are other challenges for you on the horizon, my glass stopper reveals.

  28. Who knows what goes on in the minds of those who scrawl their graffiti.

    Of course your boss should not have come to work. Rather irresponsible. Lucky you at being able to immediately access Covid testing, RAT or PCR.

    1. Yeah, I'm very thankful we have tests available.

  29. No question at all, your boss shouldn't have come to work. Hopefully you don't get it from her. Congrats on finishing all of those books. Great blog btw!

    1. Thank you! Some days I'm not very inspired but I do my best! LOL
