Saturday, January 8, 2022

King Zack

This was the garden on Thursday morning, after the night of our deep freeze. As you can see, everything was covered with frost. It hasn't been quite as cold since then and although our upcoming nighttime temperatures are going to hover in the 30s (F) we're not supposed to freeze. I suppose I could put some of the hardier plants back outside.

The workmen (and they are men) finished the repair work on the exterior wall yesterday. So for the time being, at least, we should be done with all that. We'll see if anything happens regarding the greater problem of the degraded wood beneath the upstairs terrace -- I'm leaving that in the hands of the landlords and the upstairs neighbors, who own their flat. As long as it's not leaking or structurally unsound it can stay like that forever, as far as I'm concerned, being a lowly renter.

I'm set to finish another Newbery today, "The Hero and the Crown," which is quite a sophisticated novel and definitely the most advanced of the three fantasy novels I've read recently. Even though it's not really my thing in terms of genre, it's a good book and I could see recommending it to a kid who wants kings and dragons and a strong female protagonist.

Oh, and look what I picked up at Homebase on my way home from my walk on Thursday! Dave thinks I'm crazy. He said, "Don't ever complain to me again that we have too much stuff." Maybe it's all my fantasy reading, but since I saw them the other day I couldn't get them out of my mind. A zebra with a crown seemed like just what we required.


  1. Nice picture of your girl...I can't believe your inner minimalist fell for a zebra, though it's a conversation piece.

    1. Sometimes you just have to indulge your impulses.

  2. Love how Olga's pose echoes the zebra!!

  3. A statue of Olga with stripes instead of patches. I suppose the workmen were heavily dressed because of the cold, so you couldn't really tell if any were worthy of adding to 'hot tradie' website.

    1. LOL -- neither of them struck me as "hot tradie" types.

  4. Hah! I thought Olga was a statue, too. Good you bought the crowned zebra. I recently read that no home is complete without one.

    1. I'm glad we're on the cutting edge of interior design!

  5. We are lowly renters Steve and have been in this house for 57 years. Our landlords have all been good and we've never had to worry about repairs or boilers needing to be replaced etc. Okay, we have no property to leave to our kids but they all have their own homes so it doesn't matter. But despite this, in this country you are looked upon as less if you rent and don't own your own home it seems.

    1. I love the freedom of renting, actually. I wonder if we'll be here for 57 years? (I'd have to live to something like 112.)

  6. "Zebra With A Crown" by Stephen Reed. The Newbery prizewinner 2023.
    Out on the Serengeti, it was already hot when Zen stirred from his slumbers. He had been dreaming about lions again. They followed him along a New York sidewalk munching chips with their co-workers.
    Zen headed for "The New York Times" building where he said "Hi!" to the front desk team and dashed towards the elevator (English: lift)...

    1. Compared to some of what I've read, that IS a prize-winner!

  7. I think Olga is wondering where her crown is!

    1. She might be thinking, "Thank GOD I don't have to wear a crown."

  8. The zebra may be the thin end of the wedge. They run in herds..

  9. I kinda had a feeling the zebra would reappear. But when you like it, you like it, and you gotta have it.

    1. That is exactly true. My technique is to go away and see if I keep thinking about it -- if I do, I buy it.

  10. Okay. That last picture made me laugh out loud, but we have had some pretty random things appear at our house because someone became enamored of them. (Bob the buffalo sends greetings from across the pond to Zach the zebra). Perhaps against a backdrop of greenery, he would look a lot more at home?

    1. He is actually a vase, so I suppose we could put greenery IN him, but to me he seems like the kind of vase that's not really meant to hold anything.

  11. I love that crowned zebra, and Olga looks like the perfect companion on the couch. Uh-oh, now I want a zebra.

  12. Well of course you needed the zebra! Regal, royal, fantastical, terrific. And yes, not unlike Olga.
    Funny what calls to us, isn't it?
    Your garden has a winter beauty to it now.

  13. I think a gold crown for Olga is needed in that photo! What a wacky purchase! A definite conversation starter, tho!

    1. I can't imagine trying to keep a crown on Olga's head. LOL

  14. My yard is looking pretty dead too. And I can't believe you went back and bought that crowned zebra. Oh, wait a minute, yes I can.

  15. There's something about this photo that draws one in. I like Olga sitting there as if she owned the place.

  16. Great collection of comments here, many of which echo my exact thoughts. I was certainly surprised to scroll down and see the zebra since I didn't remember you saying you'd purchased it in the earlier post.

    1. That's because I hadn't bought it yet! I just got it on Thursday.

  17. Well, who doesn't need a zebra with a crown?

  18. the crowned zebra is fine! Love it and it is a necessity, I can see that! Best buy of the season!

  19. Lol hate the zebra ……xx but you enjoy x

    1. As many quirky artworks and gewgaws as you have? I'd have thought you might like it! It IS very shiny, though.

  20. A Posing Olga Girl On Her Pink Blanket Takes The Cake - Or In This Case, The Crown - Well Done Girl


    1. She's trying to ignore me because I have the camera out. LOL

  21. I'm so glad you like Hero and the Crown! I think I've told you before, but I loved that book as a kid. Not that I think you would (haha) but don't read the sequel to it, The Blue Sword. It SUCKED. Just sucked! :)

    Olga is such a pretty girl.

    1. That is interesting to hear! I would have thought "The Blue Sword" (which was actually published first, even though it describes events that happen after "Hero") would have been equally good if not better. I probably won't read it though. LOL

  22. I noticed that Olga is ignoring the new zebra.

  23. I can see that Olga is thrilled.

  24. Your zebra looks rather nice, and that's a great photo of Olga. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.
