Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A Tag for Good Design

Yesterday's weather was glum and chilly -- about 60º F (or 16º C) at its warmest. I didn't leave the house, but I came up with plenty of stuff to do. It seems there's always some little task lurking on my mental to-do list.

I bathed a couple more houseplants, still trying to rid one of them of a stubborn infestation of red spider mites. I watered the orchids. (We've got more blooming now, as I'll hopefully remember to show you in coming days.) I changed the bedsheets, I did laundry, I vacuumed, I read.

Our newest problem is one of our kitchen drawers. When the guy came to install the new hob on Saturday, he had to remove the drawers to connect the gas line. When he put them back they initially seemed to work, but now one of them stubbornly refuses to stay closed. I close it and it slowly drifts open again, as if drawn by an invisible (and annoying) poltergeist. I'll have to do some research and see if I can figure out what's going on there.

It's always something.

I also sorted my new (old) slides and chose about 25 to have scanned. I'll take them in today.

Here's a little gem that was lost in the slide box at the Camden Market. It looked quite old so I asked the dealer if I could have it with the slides and he said yes.

Apparently these tags were once attached to household appliances and other objects made in Britain that were recognized by an organization known as the Council for Industrial Design (later simply the Design Council) for marketing through their shop, The Design Centre. This web page shows similar tags dating from about 1970. I'm guessing that's about how old this one is. I wonder what it used to be connected to?

Back to work today. Charles is on the throne, his crown firmly affixed, and now it's time for life to return to normal.

(Top photo: Wild daisies in the cemetery on Sunday.)


  1. Your industriousness puts me to shame! I did enjoy a coffee date and later a get together with friends. I mowed my front lawn and helped out my mother a little bit. I look forward to seeing what's on those slides!

  2. I remember the Design Council having a gallery or exhibition in the 70s in London.
    I was in Art College in Cardiff and it was on our list of things to go to on our twice a term visits to London

  3. You do have an eye for the unusual. And I can't ever imagine you being bored. You always seem to be doing something.
    I love daisies. They are happy flowers.

  4. I also always have tasks lurking. But, unlike you, I often let them lurk for days on end. You should wear that tag at all times... although I suppose you're not actually British goods.

  5. I remember the Design Centre tags. They would appear on mundane things like kettles. The Design Centre still exists in London and there is a permanent exhibition as far as I know.

  6. Regarding the poltergeist of the drawers, may I suggest an exorcist? If you get in touch with Westminster Cathedral (Catholic) they should be able to sort you out. It is not a service that they advertise widely but it is still available upon request.

  7. Call that installer back, show him the problem and make him fix it. Free of charge of course since we caused the problem.

  8. That's a mod little tag. I love the style.

  9. I can think of so many uses for that handy tag..
    And I wonder if they tilted the drawer slides forward when they were working? Gravity will open the drawer. Or a ghost, there's always that possibility.

  10. About that drawer ... he probably didn't get it back on the track on the bottom of the drawer! Take the drawer all the way out, check the track on the bottom of the drawer, and see what you slide it onto in the opening!
    If the drawer is NOT on the track, it will tilt down and slide out of the hole!
    Good luck!

  11. Wow! You did get a lot done!
    Spider mites can be hard to get rid of.
    Good luck with the drawer.

  12. I've built a lot of cabinets and drawers over the years. Usually if you have a drawer that creeps open, it is due to one of the rails having come loose, either on the side of the drawer or the side of the cabinet the drawer fits into. My guess is it is probably the latter since it is most likely to be banged against while messing with your gas line.

  13. I love seeing that one pink flower among the white daisies. What a little beauty.
    Hope things work out with that drawer issue.

  14. That tag is in pretty good shape. It looks like it could have arrived on your new stove top.
    For the past few weeks, I've be watching The Crown again for the second time. It's been interesting to see since so many stories from Harry have cropped up in the news since it first aired.

  15. That top photo of yours is just delightful! I keep scrolling back up to look at it and it's making me smile. Thanks!

  16. Very cool tag. Makes me think of Austin Powers. Ha!

  17. Drawers and cabinet doors are just the worst when they're not working correctly. We have a bathroom drawer with a spot that's hard to push to close it. Who does one call? I guess a drawer that won't stay closed is worse.

  18. I date much farther back than 1970, so I probably look quite old, too!

  19. Red mites, the insects of my childhood

  20. Now that's taking news a bit too far: "Charles is on the throne"? Oh wait, you mean the ROYAL throne. Okay, never mind.

  21. I love the daisy picture. I also like that a commenter told you exactly what to look for on that drawer. I'm glad you enjoyed your long weekend (and didn't you guys just have a banker's holiday LAST Monday???)

  22. I like that little design center tag you found. That's a good one.

    Drawers and cupboards that don't close correctly are yet another nemesis in day to day life!

  23. rain and overcast here so no doing nothing outside. supposed to be like this all week but at least it cooled things down a bit. I'm surrounded by things I could be taking care of and I'm doing none of it. trying to get one of these books read since I have three out.
