Thursday, May 25, 2023

Foxglove and Tina Turner

During all the disruption of these improvements to our flat, I am so thankful we have the garden as a retreat! Here's what it looked like yesterday morning, with our gigantic foxglove in bloom. (And no, that's not my shadow to the right -- it's something up on the Russians' terrace.)

And here's a closeup. We didn't plant this foxglove -- it just appeared, the only one we have this year. At least it's BIG and demands to be noticed. (And this time, that is my shadow!)

I checked on Olga throughout the day yesterday via dog-cam. For a change, she did seem a bit disturbed by the workers, but mostly because they weren't paying attention to her. I saw her standing by the back door looking frustrated that they wouldn't let her outside so she could sunbathe!

I'd tell them they could let her out, but then they'd have to bring her in again, which sometimes takes some persuasion. At least she was enthusiastic when the dog-walker showed up.

Here's yesterday's progress. The new bathtub is in, complete with new plumbing. This should eliminate the slow leak. At left you can see that heat fan they're using to try to dry out the walls.

The old bathtub was in front of the house when I came home, but then in the evening, while lying on the couch, I heard a terrific banging coming from the street. I thought some kids were pounding on the tub and was going to tell them to stop it. But when I looked out the window I saw...

...a man and a woman who had broken the tub in half and were loading it into a van. I don't know whether they were supposed to come and collect it, or were scrap metal dealers who took it upon themselves to haul it away. Either way it's gone now.

The kitchen is still disassembled. I hope the workers get that put together today so we can cook and do dishes and laundry. They just need to reconnect the appliances.

I'm sure you've seen the news, announced yesterday, that Tina Turner died. Like bazillions of other people I owned her "Private Dancer" album in the '80s and I saw her live in Tampa 23 years ago -- ticket stub above. (Not particularly cheap even then, at $80.) Here's what I wrote in my journal the next day:

Went to see Tina Turner last night in Tampa -- my first concert at the Ice Palace. She is great. She's my new idol! She put on a tremendous show, complete with "nouveau Ikettes" and an incredible stage -- a multilevel platform for the musicians and dancers, and a huge swinging arm (boom) that carried her out over the audience. She looks so great, and she has amazing, boundless energy. She did everything, too -- "Proud Mary" (complete with the "nice and rough" intro), "Nutbush City Limits," "Private Dancer," "What's Love Got to Do With It," and some really unusual stuff like a slow, almost gospel rendition of the Beatles' "Help." I love her. I went with Nancy P., Mark Z. and Pat M. Then we went to Ybor for barbecue afterwards... Lionel Richie was her opening act, and he did a couple of funky Commodores numbers that livened the place up, but I could do without ever hearing "Hello" again.

She lived a remarkable life, considering her relatively humble origins in small-town Tennessee and the abuse she faced from Ike during her early years in show business. I remember marveling with my friends at how energetic she was at 60. Now I'm just a few years from being 60 myself! How time flies.

I bought a concert t-shirt at that show and wore it the next day on the airplane when I flew to London for my first visit. Little did I know then that I'd wind up living here.


  1. I hope that the white van couple swept up their mess but I guess that they didn't. Nice to see the builders making good progress. I guess The Russians often look down on your garden while planning their invasion. It's like the Donbas region.

  2. One day dog phones will be a thing, dogs will be able to phone their humans, electronic AI translator will make their messages clear." EMERGENCY, sun on garden, need your thumbs please open door."
    Eighty dollars was a pricey ticket then, I suppose - so glad you got to go. We saw the Stones for 60 dollars and thought that was expensive back then.

    Wondering what half a bath is good for?

  3. When I hear Richie sing “Is it me you’re looking for?” I want to scream NOOOOOO!!!
    I adored Tina Turner.

  4. I have Tina Turner's "Simply The Best" CD, I shall play it tomorrow. I hope all the renovations are fixed quickly, I hate disruption in my home and can imagine what you are feeling.

  5. Tina just made me feel joy, in her music and in her way of life and her outlook.
    I have been singing River Deep Mountain High all day.

  6. I still can't believe she's dead. She seemed invincible and had the most amazing legs and energy. I didn't realize she'd had so many health issues over the past decade. I guess we all do get old.

    I'm glad your reno is going so well.

  7. Tina really lived well! Such a talent.

    I'm glad the reno is progressing. My nightmare is those contractors who start a job then vanish to another! But yours seem to be sticking with it. Maybe they like seeing Olga.

  8. I loved your journal entry about going to see Tina. Especially the part about Lionel Richie.
    I never saw Tina live. Damn, she was a force of nature. I love watching old videos of her and Mick Jagger together. They were two of a kind in some ways- incredible front people. She no doubt taught him a lot.
    She taught all of us a lot, really, about the indomitable strength of a soul.

  9. How lucky you were to get to see Tina Turner in concert! What an amazing performer she was!
    Good progress on the construction! It won't be long now...

  10. I love that you watch Olga and that she's fine with the workers there, although would be happier if they would pay more attention to her and let her out. Sweet.
    It was sad news to read of Tina Turner's death. She really had such a presence. We listened to her music when we heard the news and danced in her honor to "What's Love Got To Do With It?"
    Nice progress on the bathtub there.

  11. So out of all this chaos, life will be better.

  12. Oh goodness How Incredible Lucky You Were to have gotten to see Tina Turner!!! She was a incredible woman who struck the World with her boundless energy. She will be missed and I will think of her every time I hear one of her songs.

    Love the fox glove. I would love your retreat. It is really nice to have reinventions started. I hope that the contractors clean up the mess and that they don't leave a touch of something not done, like making sure all is sealed and I suspect that the contractors use people to take scraps away to salvage.

    Have a great day/evening.

  13. How fun seeing Tina Turner AND Lionel Richie in one concert! (maybe I'm in the minority, but I've loved a lot of his stuff, both solo and with the Commodores) She was a remarkable and talented woman!

  14. This work seems to be going pretty fast although I'm sure it seems endless. Tina Turner was beautiful with amazing pipes. 83 is a good run, especially given her health issues.

  15. I was sad to hear about Tina Turner's passing. She was a truly incredible talent. If I'm not mistaken, I own at least three of her albums. I never got to see her perform live though so you are lucky in that. I did see her Broadway show a couple of years ago when I was in New York.

  16. You were really lucky to have the opportunity so see Tina in person. A marvelous talent and a powerful woman who overcame so much to finally have a good life. RIP

  17. You were very fortunate to see Tina at the peak of her power! And though I am appalled by concert ticket prices, I think that was $80 well spent.

  18. I can't believe you still have that ticket stub!

  19. She was inspiring. And found true love after that awful first husband.
    Your renos are coming along well and your garden looks gorgeous.

  20. It was a shock to see that she had died. She was such a powerhouse. Really just such a life force.

  21. Another great one lost. I love that she had the courage to save herself from Ike's abuse. he told he she was nothing without him and she would sink into obscurity only it was she that rose to stardom and Ike sank into obscurity.

    that's an amazing foxglove.

  22. YP: Ha! Well, they kind of swept it up -- into a little pile which they left in the gutter.

    Linda Sue: Ha! "Need your thumbs" -- I love it! I'm guessing the tub is getting melted down into scrap metal.

    Mitchell: Yeah, that has never been one of my favorites!

    River: It's a good time to get reacquainted with some Tina! I may do the same.

    Bob: I don't know that one! I will look it up!

    Pixie: Yep, age catches up with all of us. But I agree -- she was such a force of nature and so strong into late middle age that she seemed untouchable.

    Boud: Oh, God forbid they should leave mid-job! So far, so good. They're sticking around.

    Ms Moon: I'd love to see the two of them perform together. They do seem similar, the way both of them take possession of a stage.

    Ellen D: I really was SO lucky. I only went because I co-worker suggested it and I was so glad I did.

    Robin: It's hard to believe that song is almost 40 years old now!

    Red: It's true! Eyes on the prize!

    Beth: I expect there will be some small things we'll have to clean up and restore, but we'll see.

    Kelly: I like lots of Lionel Richie but that particular song ("Hello") has never been one of my favorites.

    Margaret: Yeah, I think living to be 83 is pretty good, though she seemed like such a powerhouse as to be immortal.

    Sharon: I haven't seen that show! One of these days.

    Jim: Indeed. She lived an amazing life, which she herself often acknowledged, apparently.

    Catalyst: Yeah, concert tickets are insane (and even more insane now). I feel like I got $80 worth of entertainment, though, so it was money well spent!

    Colette: I glued it into my journal, so it was right there with my entry.

    Caro: Yeah, it sounds like she had a good relationship with her husband in Switzerland.

    Debby: I know! She seemed like she would live forever!

    Ellen: Which is a shame, because Ike was talented too -- but he could never shake the substance abuse problems.
