Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Kosher Fish

I can't believe I've never photographed this kosher fish place in Temple Fortune, north of Golders Green -- but I can't find any pics of it in my archive so I guess not. I've definitely noticed it before. It has some great old signage.

On Saturday, on the way back from my Dollis Valley walk, my bus passed right by the shop -- so I got off for a few quick photos. Although it was closed that day, it's apparently still a functioning business.

That is not, however, a functioning clock.


  1. I don't know much about kosher, I thought there were no kosher marks for fish, but Google says something else. It's always good to learn something new. I wonder if he has many customers around.

  2. I wonder how long that business has been there. The signs and clock must be original (or maybe the shop is even older than they are). I love it!

  3. I love the signs and wonder, too, if it's still a family owned business and still running.
    You are now tasked with buying fish.

  4. I wonder if he specializes in whitefish? No shellfish maybe. It looks like a very old establishment.

  5. It certainly does not look like a typical Florida seafood retailer! It's so...elegant!

  6. I though kosher was only for the redder meats like pork, beef and chicken. I didn't know it applied to fish. I guess I'm not very Jewish.

  7. Great old signage but I'm not sure how much more it can rust before it falls off the building.

  8. Great old shop front. I love the clock even if it doesn't work.

  9. what a messy tangle of wires coming off that dish. gefilte fish. have you ever eaten it? it's kind of like a mushy loaf.

  10. Of course, the old joke is that clock does tell the correct time twice a day! :)
    I was surprised at all the wiring all over the place, too, although I guess they have to put it somewhere for the people that live or work in the building?! Would those be apartments up above?
    I looked up the fish sellers - they have a Facebook page - but no posts since 2022...

  11. That building/signage is great. It looks like it has been there forever!

  12. Great sign and storefront. I suspect they have salmon, one of my favorites. I'd love to go inside and would likely find something to buy for dinner.

  13. I don't think of fish as being kosher or not. Hmmm.

  14. Maybe the term Kosher in their signage just means they keep Kosher in their kitchen/prep area. I know certain things are not supposed to touch others.

  15. That clock is so cool- industrial chic! I would offer whomever a few quid for it and have it repaired. Good think I do not live in London iwould be swamped with stuff, I love it all!
    Kosher fish? Killed humanely?

  16. If they employed a lad called Jesus they would not need a fish supplier. Whenever required he would just multiply the stock.

  17. I never associated fish with being kosher, but apparently the only requirement is that it have fins & scales. Who knew??

  18. Yael: Yeah, I really don't know the rules either and was surprised they applied to fish! (I know the no-shrimp rule.)

    Mitchell: Yeah, I'd love to know too. Definitely decades, I'd say! Maybe the clock went with a jeweler who had that space first? Seems like clocks and jewelers (or watchmakers) often go together.

    Bob: It's definitely still running. No idea about ownership!

    Boud: Yeah, I would think shellfish would be verboten!

    Ms Moon: A shabby sort of elegance. :)

    Ed: I know, I thought the same thing -- except for the exclusion of shellfish.

    Red: Ha! It's probably stronger than it looks.

    Sharon: I do too!

    Ellen: I've never eaten it but I've seen it in a jar. Not very appealing.

    Ellen D: Yeah, I have no idea what those wires are for. Probably old TV cabling, maybe not connected to anything nowadays.

    Jeanie: I'm sure it's many decades old!

    Susan: Yeah, if it had been open I might have tried it out!

    Margaret: I know! I thought kosher was mainly a meat/dairy thing? But I am admittedly ignorant of the rules.

    Kelly: It could be that, definitely.

    Linda Sue: Maybe? How do you kill a fish humanely? Just taking it out of the water kills it!

    YP: And he'd bring the bread too!

    Jim: OK, well, that makes it easier! I know there are dietary rules against shellfish, but beyond that I am clueless.
