Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Schwing and Spork

I found this colorful little scene while walking Olga in the cemetery not too long ago. I'm not sure I've ever seen a tattered rubber glove look so photogenic!

And on that note, here are some more random photos I've saved up over the past few weeks.

A sidewalk find from our high street. Someone went a little nuts with the bronzer. Is this what Donald Trump looks like when he takes off his wig? (No, I did not keep it. I didn't even touch it.)

Olga and I found a miniature Barbie bicycle on another sidewalk. Weirdly, the next day, it was in a nearby tree.

And this critter was nearby. Did someone spill their toy box? (I kept the dinosaur.)

This cupcake was my Easter treat, given to me by our friend Carolyn's daughter when we went to Easter dinner. Dave got one too. I think she made them. I like the Easter-grass effect of the icing. In any case, it was yummy!

Isn't this a dirty joke from "Wayne's World"?!

When Dave and I went to Fallow, a restaurant I blogged about last week, these blown-glass lamps had me mesmerized. They looked like globs of mercury hanging over our heads. There were several, in both blue and gold.

I got a cardboard spork in my take-out sushi the other night. Environmentally sound, I guess, and not something I've ever seen before.

And finally, Dave made some soda bread last week to go with his homemade soup. Yum!


  1. Bicycles, dinosaurs and sporks. You've had an interesting week.

  2. It's the little things that bring us joy. Thank you for your wonderful snapshots, I really enjoyed seeing them.
    Your Easter nest capcake looks heavenly, just like the soda bread... I have a sourdough whole wheat bread in the oven right now... it's so delicious, the homemade one.
    Many greetings to you from Viola

  3. It takes a second look to realise that the yellow is rubber gloves!

  4. That's not meant to be grass on the Easter cupcake - it's clearly green worms.

  5. Great and entertaining photos and captions. Is that spork of any use as a fork? The soda bread is tantalizing. I love Dave’d oven mitt.

  6. That glove posed for you, it seems.
    And now, I am hungry for homemade soup and soda bread.

  7. Homemade soup and bread, couldn't be better.

  8. I love Dave's oven mitt - ha! Also, Schwing reminds me of schweddy balls, mores the pity.

  9. The spork is practically a work of art.
    I'm glad someone hung the Barbie bike in the tree. And also glad you took the dinosaur home.
    Those blown glass lamps are amazing. I would have been mesmerized too.

  10. I would have brought the little bike home too.
    Cute oven mitt for Dave! :)

  11. The blown glass lamps are wonderful, but it is hard to beat a Barbie bike hanging in a tree.

  12. Outstanding photos! Very entertaining.

  13. I have never had a pleasant eating experience with a spork. I would rather have a spoon or a fork in nearly any situation that I'm given a spork.

    As others, I liked the unmentioned oven mitt.

  14. Spork? OK I get it. I've never seen this word before.

  15. I played online scrabble for a while and some of the words it accepted were real head scratchers but I tried to play 'spork' and it rejected it! weird that your sushi came with a spork and not chopsticks.

    I'd have kept the dinosaur too.

    the cupcake is very cute.

  16. The little things that make us glad! This post makes me glad all over the place SCHWING! The litter on the sidewalks is so fabulous. I would never want for anything other. The art installations are endless.
    There is not a"secret" ingredient, it is a well known fact that Dave has the goods, bitch!
    The spork - I see a rock star in that object.

  17. I bet that bread was good. I love that oven mitt. That spork is very unusual. Those glass lamps are also unusual. They would certainly catch one's attention. And, that cupcake is wonderful. Maybe a future Great British Baker?

  18. What a great oven mitt! I have socks that say "Get the hell out of my kitchen".

    I'm glad you kept the dinosaur. The next time I post random photos you'll see the one my grandson gave me.

  19. Dave's oven mitt is great.

    You find such crazy random things!

  20. Perfect oven mitt. You do find the most interesting stuff on your walks.

  21. You do find the most interesting items on your walks! I do love Dave's oven mitt!

  22. Great photos. It is surprising what you come across on your walks with Olga. The Easter cupcake is an art form. You have a talented friend. Dave's bread looks delicious. The oven mitt is perfect. Now I want one.

  23. The restaurant lamps look very cool.
    I suppose you would remember splades, around in the latter part of the 20th century. A (dull) knife, fork and spoon in one.
    The glove slogan is funny.

  24. That's a very cool cupcake! And glad the dino has a home. The Barbie bike cracks me up! I always love your random shots.

  25. River: Never a dull moment!

    Viola: I hope your bread turned out well! I love sourdough!

    GZ: Yeah, it was a pretty tattered glove. Not really glove-shaped anymore.

    YP: Ha! Easter worms?

    Mitchell: I must admit I used it for my soup, so I'm not sure how well the fork function worked!

    Bob: Always a good combo!

    My Life So Far: I got that in DC on a visit a couple of years ago.

    Boud: Agreed! You make soup a lot, so I know you appreciate it.

    Bug: Ha! Yeah, that's no better than "schwing." Possibly worse!

    Ms Moon: They WERE amazing. I'd buy one if I thought we could afford it. (And if our dining room ceiling would support it.)

    Ellen D: I have to draw the line somewhere!

    Wilma: Ha! Olga wasn't all that into it.

    Colette: I'm glad!

    Ed: It's true. Not a very functional utensil, generally speaking. I remember first getting one from KFC decades ago to eat my cole slaw, and I laughed and laughed at the word "spork."

    Red: It's been around a couple decades, at least among people who get take-out food!

    Ellen: We got chopsticks too. I'm surprised Scrabble wouldn't accept spork! That's a word now, isn't it?!

    Linda Sue: Ha! It DOES look like Billy Idol or someone like that. Very New Wave.

    Sharon: I suppose I should verify that she did in fact bake it herself!

    Kelly: Ha! Those are great socks! I need to get some of those for Dave.

    Debby: We live in an amusing neighborhood. LOL

    Allison: The dog moves slowly, so I see a lot!

    Marcia: He has another one that has similarly salty language. Maybe I'll post a picture of it sometime.

    Susan: I bet you can find it online! I bought it from a gift shop in Washington DC about five years ago.

    Catalyst: I bet you could order one!

    Jeanie: The dinosaur is now living in a bowl of odds and ends collected on my walks!

  26. Andrew: Sorry, you were in spam! I've never heard of a splade, but I Googled it, and it looks like they're basically sporks with a serrated cutting edge. They never got that popular, did they?
