Friday, April 12, 2024


I've been finding these little colorful painted rocks around the neighborhood during the last few days. Looks like someone had a craft project that they shared with the rest of us.

The lettering is not as clear as one might ideally like. "Look after nature," I think it says?

Some of them say nothing at all on the colorful side...

...and have a message on the back. "From Esley," I think?

I didn't pick any of them up, except to photograph them.

I think this one also says "From Esley," though it took me a while to figure that out.

Anyway, some nice little surprises while walking the dog!


  1. We have colourful painted pebbles around our village, there is a facebook page, we are encouraged to pop a photo of a found pebble on their page and then place it somewhere for others to find, a bit of fun in our world.

  2. You do see the detail on the streets where you walk. This is good for your readers.

  3. There is a Facebook challenge where you draw on stones and place them in the street, it seems to me a wonderful idea. I don't remember if you are supposed to take the stone and publish the message written on it. There was also something like that.

  4. To bad about the poor penmanship. Fun treasures for everyone to enjoy.

  5. Between the earthquake in New York and the eclipse and the sudden appearance of painted rocks it feels like ....

  6. I just posted about adding a painted rock to a chain of rocks in a local park. This entry is great timing as it is good to read that there are painted rocks on the other side of the pond!

  7. I am imagining this as a project a child has done with their mom. I love it.

  8. Painted rocks are a big thing in my neck of the woods. You can even order kits on amazon, rocks included. I have had rock painting events with my grandkids a number of times. Then we go "downtown" and leave them in hidden places, hoping they will be found by strangers. It's a lot of fun.

  9. Local schools have done this around Earth Day. All kinds of messages. I'm glad you showed us a few.

  10. Well, I hope that whoever is painting those rocks and writing on them is enjoying themselves. There must be quite a few for you to have found so many.

  11. That's so sweet. Someone once left a little card on my front porch that says, "Spred kindness". I have it up in my kitchen as a nice reminder and never mind the incorrect spelling... :)

  12. I am thinking it may have been an elementary school project and Elsey was a participant ... 🤷

  13. Esley is prolific. I love the purple and green one.

  14. Looks like a school project.

  15. In my home county, a local glass blower made some glass orbs that he hid around the various county parks, playgrounds, walking paths and other public places. I keep my eye peeled whenever I'm there but because I live an hour away, I don't get there often and then when I am, I'm in frequently used places that have probably already been hunted out.

  16. No doubt you would be the winner in any scavenger hunt! You find the coolest little treasures!

  17. I see painted river rocks occasionally around here. I think there's one among a planter at the library.

  18. Looks like Esley was busy! I see lots of rocks on my walks, but never any painted or with messages.

  19. A very nice discovery that many people would not have even noticed.

  20. You know what I love best about this? That one small child has the idea that she can bring a message and joy to the world. She paints her rocks and sets them out for people to find with nothing but pure joy in her little heart!

    Brings a tear to my eye when I think about it.

    Yes. I am a sap.

  21. I hope this inspires you to paints some rocks of your own with wise messages upon them such as "BRING YOUR BOOKS BACK!" and "BE A RESPONSIBLE LIBRARY USER!"

  22. I like inspirational rocks and almost bought a couple at Carlsbad Caverns but I didn't want to haul them home in my suitcase. :)

  23. River: It's nice, isn't it?

    Poppy: Interesting! I hadn't even considered the social media aspect of this. I wonder if Esley is putting this on Facebook or Instagram?

    Andrew: It's because my dog moves so slowly these days!

    Yael: Interesting! Well, if Esley ever finds this post hopefully she will be happy.

    Mitchell: I guess it's hard to write with a paintbrush!


    Michael: I love your painted rock "snake."

    Elle: Yes, you may be right!

    Colette: Interesting! I had no idea it was such a thing, though I have found painted rocks here and there in the past.

    Boud: Ah, I didn't think of the Earth Day connection either!

    Ms Moon: I photographed all the ones I've found, but I'm sure there are others!

    Ellen D: Awwww, that's nice. The spelling makes it more charming!

    Marcia: Yeah, or maybe a parent-child project like Elle said.

    Jeanie: Yeah, she went to town, didn't she?!

    Red: As a former teacher I'm sure you can spot a school project quickly!

    Ed: Oh, THAT's cool. I wonder if he keeps track of how many have been found?

    Wilma: I think our population density is perfect for having lots of little treasures out on the street at any given time. People are always up to something.

    Ellen: Well, as others have said, apparently it's a thing. I had no idea.

    Kelly: Plain ol' rocks can be beautiful too!

    Sharon: Well, they're pretty colorful, so they DO catch your eye.

    Debby: That IS cute and quite remarkable when you put it like that.

    YP: I've tried everything else. Why not painted rocks?!

    Margaret: Ha! Yeah, I've brought rocks back from vacations before. They are not easy to transport. :)
