Friday, April 26, 2024

Something Called Calprotectin

I had my consultation with a gastroenterologist yesterday. It was a phone appointment, so I didn't see her face-to-face, but I got some feedback on my test results and we made some future plans.

My blood work, from blood counts to liver enzymes, was all normal. So that's a good sign. My infrequent but beloved martinis haven't harmed my liver, apparently, and I don't have anemia or anything like that. There is also no blood where blood shouldn't be, if you get my drift.

The only abnormal test was for something called calprotectin, which is apparently a marker of gut inflammation. Mine was just below 300, and a normal range is 0 to 50. The doctor didn't seem too concerned about this, but we're going to repeat the test. Apparently high calprotectin can indicate almost anything, from transient infection to IBD to cancer.

I'm also getting an endoscopy and a CT scan of the abdomen. You may remember I had a couple of CT scans in recent years, but those were both of the lungs -- this will look lower. The scan is already scheduled for next Thursday. Still waiting on a date for the endoscopy but it should be soon.

So that's where we stand. I'm somewhat encouraged but also somewhat wary of the calprotectin thing. Dave's calprotectin can sometimes be in the thousands, given his Crohn's disease. He wasn't very impressed with my measly 300.

As for how I feel, well, I think I'm slightly better than I was last week. I'm sleeping soundly and for the time being I've laid off alcohol entirely. Still persisting with my regular coffee, though -- I need some pleasure in my life!

We're watching "Baby Reindeer" on Netflix, about a comedian and bartender who winds up being stalked by a troubled woman and sexually assaulted by an older man. Apparently it's based on a true story. It's very good, with good performances. We have trouble turning it off.

Recent fun reading has included:

-- This story about the rediscovery of the original U.S.S. Enterprise model used in the opening credits of the first "Star Trek" series

-- This story about a nautical buoy from the Florida keys that washed up on a beach in Scotland

And of course there was the alligator hiding in the airplane landing gear at MacDill Air Force Base in my hometown, Tampa. Never a dull moment in Florida! I was so happy to read that they released the alligator into the Hillsborough River. Often when trappers capture an alligator they kill it, but that's usually after it's been dubbed a nuisance or a danger to people. I guess this one was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

(Top photo: Colorful crabapple trees outside a pub in Hanwell, West London, a couple of weeks ago.)


  1. The alligator should have been secretly released in Drumpf’s Mar-au-Lardo’s bathroom.

    Coffee and chocolate are fruits.

    Glad you’re beginning to get answers (and more questions). I hope it’s figured out soon and easily addressed. I’m sure Dave is delighted to be still champion.

  2. I wish you good health and that everything will be fine. I liked the idea that coffee is a fruit.

  3. At least you are getting to narrow down on the culprit for your reflux..knowing what and how to deal with things is a great relief, whatever the reason turns out to be ((0))

  4. "I need some pleasure in my life!"...Surely you get that from pursuing the borrowers of overdue books - like an avenger. "Justice Shall Prevail!"

  5. Your reading sounds very varied. As a Star Trek lover since childhood, I may follow the link to the one about the Enterprise model.
    (I am the type of person who knows the answer to questions such as "What is Benjamin Sisko's middle name?")

    Good to know your blood results are nearly all good. I am sure the rest will be sorted out, too.

  6. Baby Reindeer was fantastic...but the episode with the trigger warning absolutely gutted me. And then the episode near the end when he's on stage telling his story...I don't know how far along you are, so I won't say more, except that I was truly shocked when I found out that the "actor" playing Donny was the actual guy all that happened to. I've been recommending it to my friends, with the caveat that it can be disturbing.

  7. So far so good with the tests. I went through a similar thing a few years ago, side effect of a medication, and ended up just occasionally taking dgl tablets. I hope you get a similar undramatic finding. I did have to quit some foods, but later reintroduce them with no problem -- including coffee.

  8. I looked at the trailer for Baby Reindeer, don't think I could watch it, I did read the true story though. It's awful.

    I'm impressed with how quickly you're getting the CT scan, the NHS is doing something right.

  9. Well, at least you have some news, and most of it good. Take comfort in that and that Dave is still in the lead!

  10. Yuk, it's always difficult waiting for even more results. Hang on in there, you have good and speedy access to expert advice.
    I am working up my stamina for Baby Reindeer after everybody in my family and elsewhere has told me to not miss it. Still working my way through Blue Lights, which I can recommend despite or maybe because of the Northern Irish accents.

  11. Managing health related concerns and ultimately having a care plan is the ideal. NHS is serving you well. I'll look for "Baby Reindeer." It sounds good.

  12. I read "nautical buoy" as "naughty boy" & that is a WHOLE OTHER kind of story!

  13. all your numbers are good except that one so that's good. I looked up endoscopy. I guess they're going down your throat. otherwise it's a colonoscopy. might check out Baby Reindeer. we still have the last episode of Shogun to watch.

  14. I'm glad that most of your numbers came back normal. Hope you get it figured out soon so you don't have to worry about it anymore!

  15. My theory is that you, like many others, put your stress in your gut which can cause absolute physical changes. You're going to be okay, Steve! I think that was a very reassuring consultation with the gastroenterologist.
    Keep us updated because you know we care about you so very much.

  16. When everything else checks out in health I would think you're in good shape. However, I hope the next tests go well.

  17. That's (mostly) good news about the tests; having normal blood numbers is a definite positive. Coffee would be nearly impossible for me to give up too; it's not only that I love it, but it's also firmly a part of my morning routine.

  18. I've never even heard of calprotectin. I'll have to look for it on my next blood test result list. It's good to hear that they are going to do some more looking. Being thorough is very important.
    I love those colorful trees!

  19. Thank you for sharing your results, Steve. That's a new one to me and I'm glad you had the work done. Sending all good wishes for good results on the scan and scope. I'm glad they are looking at every possibility and now. I'm not coffee fan but from what I hear, it would be tough to give up! Hang in there.

  20. Nu used to live around the corner, I know that pub well

  21. Those crabapples trees are beautiful! It sounds like the health issues are being addressed positively. I hope the CT scan goes well and doesn't show anything out of the ordinary.

  22. MS Moon makes a good point. Can your stress levels be linked to you calprotectin? Off to Google.

  23. Good idea to have the test done a second time. Hope you get good results from the CT scan. Hang in there.

  24. Well, I hate blood test results like that. Then there is worry and thinking about what if and all of that, and then later it was deemed insignificant. Here's hoping for insignificant.

  25. If your doctor isn't concerned then relax.

    We had been thinking about Baby Reindeer - guess we'll be watching it now!

  26. That is astonishingly quick to get a test done, but the good news is that you can get the prep stuff done without having to take time off work. Good luck.

    Yes. Humans and their stuff. As I get older, I discover that I am not quite as interested in 'stuff' as I used to be.
