Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Evolving with Tracy Beaker

I've been stacking up some random photos for weeks, waiting for an opportunity to blog them. So let's make it happen!

First, I was amused by this woman's jacket (above). I love that there's a specific apartment number but no street address -- just "East Village," which of course is a whole neighborhood. Also, a four-digit apartment number seems very unlikely in that area, where everything is 5D or 3C or, maybe in a tall building, 22A.

Also, to be ridiculously nitpicky, who abbreviates New York City as capital N and lower-case yc?

OK, someone's homophobic. I get it. But why Smurfs?

This shelving unit was abandoned on a street corner -- the unsatisfactory (and illegal) way that many Londoners get rid of large, bulky items of trash. (Rather than paying the council to come and collect them.)

I think someone didn't put Tab A into Slot B?

I'm not sure what's going on here. If I had to guess I'd say someone had a dispute with their landlord. But it could be a dispute with a girlfriend/boyfriend, I suppose. In any case, it will be quite a cleanup.

This terra cotta panel adorns a fragment of wall in front of a house near the cemetery. It's very "mod," and unlike anything else in the neighborhood. Or even on that house.

An out-of-this-world sticker for some kind of music or dance event, found on one of my walks. "Trancey Beaker" amused me, because Tracy Beaker is a character in a children's book series by author Jacqueline Wilson. We have them in our school library. I felt pretty hip, getting that cultural reference.

I found this mysterious sign in Dagenham. I Googled to figure out what on earth it could mean, and came up with a building near the river in Dagenham called Evolution House. But that building is several kilometers from this sign, and only roughly in the correct direction. So I'm not sure that's it.

Olga and I found these discarded on a bench at the top of our street. I mean, one iron, OK -- but five? I considered taking one because Dave and I don't have an iron. But then I thought, we've never had one as long as we've lived in London. If we haven't needed one for the last 13 years, how likely are we to start ironing now?


  1. That ceramic panel is intriguing

  2. It seems irons should now be in museums.
    As for the paint, after an argument a neighbour's girlfriend broke eggs all over his car, not discovered by him until they had baked on in the hot summer sun. He told us about this is in a gay bar. I wonder what the dispute was about!!!

  3. What a collection of oddities. I’m impressed you were familiar with Tracy Beaker. Didn’t you wonder if the irons were all there because they were defective?

  4. Interesting photos as usual. Always love seeing them (and your commentary). I disagree about irons, however. Yes, clothes need “less” ironing than the olden days but sometimes they do. Remember how we always say people always looked nicely dressed “back in the day”? That’s part of the reason why! My spouse says that she loves to iron because it creates order from chaos. (You would probably like that, too, Steve). 😀

  5. I’ve been much happier since they invented wrinkle free clothing.

  6. Strange place you live! I wonder if the paint was a fight over home decor, couldn't agree on a color scheme?

  7. I kind of like the paint splattered on the house ... not on the windows, but the house itself.

    I was instantly annoyed by Nyc, too.

    And gay Smurfs? Who knew.

    Lastly, was it it Toss Out Your Old Iron Day in London or something?

  8. There was some controversy about at least one of the Smurfs being gay and so of course, promoting the "gay agenda." I have no idea if that's what's going on there with that sticker.
    As to the irons- I'm thinking that someone's mama died and when the kids cleaned out her things, they threw out all of her irons, having no need for them. Mama may have been a seamstress and thus needed many irons.

  9. What amazes me is how folks over there just leaves stuff laying about willy-nilly!
    I love the Pug in the couples picture!

  10. City sidewalks are certainly vibrant. You never know what you'll see in the city. I like woodlands but the surprising/unique/obscure things you see on your city walks are entertaining. Nice photo captures.

  11. The paint on that lovely old building really bothers me. As for the irons WTF? That's a lot of irons, which reminds me, I have some ironing to do. Linen just wrinkles too much to not iron and I love linen when it's hot out.

  12. You found some interesting things while wondering around.

  13. I wish I knew the story of that terra cotta panel. It is an interesting piece.

  14. The five irons on the bench is very strange. It reminds me of the time I found a jar of mayo on the bench at a bus stop. That sign needs another one below it with "Creationism" and an arrow pointing in the opposite direction. I love the terra cotta panel. Very abstract. That paint splatter is awful. I'd hate to be faced with that clean up.

  15. You always post such interesting photos. I own an iron that may have been used once or twice. I hate ironing with a white hot passion.

  16. I just knew you were going to comment on that pug in the first photo. It caught my eye more quickly than the people did!

    Wasn't it one of the Teletubbies who was gay? I never heard about any gay Smurfs.

  17. I read on Reddit that Smurfs are often portrayed as gay symbols
    The street shots are fascinating revealing the life in the area

  18. Great selection of photos and yay I can comment again :)
    I don't see why Smurfs aren't allowed to be gay, don't they have freedom of choice like the rest of us? Of course being gay isn't actually a choice, but you know what I mean.
    I have an iron and an ironing board too, neither have been used since the day I retired.

  19. I love ironing.
    I love getting every single crease out of my shirts and hanging them up perfectly. Nothing like the pleasure of having all my shirts ironed.

  20. The 5 irons is a puzzle and I haven't figured it out. I'm also interested in that terra cotta panel and would like to find out more about it. Maybe you could stop at that house and ask for me? ;)

  21. GZ: Isn't it? It looks handmade, maybe by someone known to the owners of the house?

    Andrew: Yikes! I can see how she'd be angry, but you'd think she'd also realize this wasn't something he could help.

    Mitchell: I did wonder that. I thought I'd take one home and try it out. If it didn't work, back to the bench!

    Sue: Isn't it?!

    Don: I do love making order from chaos, as you know! But somehow ironing was never a thing for me. I used to get my dress shirts pressed, so that eliminated the need, and now I don't wear anything that needs an iron.

    Ed: Me too!

    Boud: Ha! That's quite an extravagant way to test the samples!

    Bob: Maybe they should do the whole house with a splatter effect, like Jackson Pollock?

    Ms Moon: Interesting theory on the irons. And yes, now that you mention it, I do remember hearing something about a gay Smurf.

    Marcia: Life in a city! I used to see stuff lying around in New York, too, though less often, I think.

    Susan: Lots of people equals lots of stimuli in the environment.

    Pixie: Maybe someone ironed commercially?

    Red: As always!

    Colette: Isn't it? And it's not signed, at least not that I can see.

    Sharon: Ha! I like the "creationism" idea!

    Margaret: I do too. It is just not a pleasant task, in my mind.

    Kelly: Yeah, Jerry Falwell made that allegation about a Teletubby. But I think Ms Moon is right that one of the Smurfs was also supposedly gay.

    Roentare: So strange!

    River: Ha! I suppose they COULD be gay, why not?!

    Liam Ryan: I get it done professionally at the cleaners when I need it, which is very, very rare! I can see how some people find it a contemplative task, though.

    Ellen D: Ha! If I ever see someone in the yard maybe I'll be brave, but I'm not ringing the doorbell. :)

  22. OK, after Googling, I can present a possible answer on the Smurf thing. Because most Smurfs (with the exception of Smurfette) are male, there's buzz on the Internet that the Smurfs must have been largely gay. In fact there are people who say Smurfette is trans or a male in drag. I'm not taking a position on any of this!

  23. I don't have an iron either. When push comes to shove, I hang something in the shower and get it damp (or turn on the shower). Works for me!

    I always love your random pix!
